“How will this work?”

This impossible thing Isaiah claimed.

“Small doses of Rakta.”

“Which is?”

“A special kind of blood drawn from a sack behind my heart.” Isaiah winced.

“Let me guess. Your rough night?”


The door opened on the RV.

“I’m going to make some room, so your people can help you,” Nox said.

The big man who stepped out of the RV had the Anubis’s interest, but that might have been because he was close to Luca. Just in case, Nox retreated to stand beside the trailer.

The man Nox knew as Jelani followed the giant named Tanner over to Isaiah. Jelani set a plastic box on the ground next to Isaiah’s hip.

Luca joined Nox at the horse trailer.

“You okay?” Luca said.

“Yeah, I just didn’t want to crowd them.” Nox feared more than crowding them.

“I told you, you needed to stay in bed.” Tanner kneeled beside Isaiah.

“Just help me stand up,” Isaiah said.

“You need to let Tanner carry you.” Jelani opened a plastic box he carried. “But first, let me look.”

“Not here.” Isaiah stopped him from taking anything from the box.


“Not here.” Isaiah didn’t raise his voice, but it rang with authority in much the same way Koda’s had and Luca’s did.

Jelani bowed his head. “As you wish.”

“I’m carrying you.” Tanner said it like a dare.


Tanner lifted Isaiah.

“Talk to him,” Isaiah said to Nox.

Then the massive beta’s form sheltered him as Jelani led the way back to the motorhome.

“What did he mean by talk to me?” Luca watched them until they disappeared inside the vehicle. “Nox?”

“You need to eat.”

Luca took Nox’s hand. “What did he mean?”

“Eat first, then I’ll tell you.”