“And how many out of those are sets of male twins? Ten? Twelve? They’ll have the upper hand if they work together and share the tie.”

A growl rolled out of Johnathan’s chest.

Frost shook his fork at Johnathan. “I got an idea. Grey could always make the offer to the triplets; Tweedle Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest? Didn’t he say something about pulling them from the pack they’re supposed to lead since they can’t keep their dick out of anyone and actually get some work done?”

Johnathan rolled up his lips.

“They’d be a good choice. Not like you need brains to chase, catch, mount, and bite. And you have to admit, they’re three mean-ass, strong motherfuckers.”

Johnathan lunged and grabbed the edge of the table just in time to keep from going across the top. The dishes rattled. The water bottles jumped.

“That’s what I thought.” Frost indicated Johnathan’s hands with his fork. “Might want to add a new table to this month’s supply list.”

Johnathan pried his fingers from the folds of crumpled metal shredded by claws. The last threads of black retreated from his fingertips.


Johnathan pushed his plate back. “Jesus Christ, I can’t run him.”

“Pretty sure the Sarvari disagrees.”

Of course it did. As far as the wolf was concerned, it had already bitten Dr. Dante, and now all that was left was to mount him and fill him with cum.

With his scent in the man, Johnathan would have the advantage. Even when the rest of the betas went nose blind, he’d be able to find Dr. Dante no matter how fast he ran, how well he hid, or, god yes, how viciously he fought.

Johnathan would have the scientist under him in less than a mile.

“Frost, my brother tried to tie him against his will.” If the man were alive, Johnathan would have killed him for it.

If his father didn’t take Paul out first.

Frost leaned closer. “You were shut up in the cab of a truck with him for five hours. You smelled him.”

If Johnathan hadn’t rolled down the window, he would have shot his load in his pants.

“Dr. Dante wouldn’t smell like that if your brother hadtriedto tie him. He smells like that because your brotherinitiateda tie.”

“If that were true, Dr. Dante would be dead.” Because Paul was dead.

“If he was human, he would have become a cur, and yeah, he’d be dead. But he’s Varu, and that means a tie can be shifted.”

“Yeah, within hours if the books are right. Days at the most. Paul bit him a month ago.”

“You’re Paul’s twin. His identical twin.”

And while twins were common, identical twins were not. Sure, fraternal beta twins could pass for copies of each other when they were of the same sex, but genetically there were enough variations to show they were individual zygotes and not two zygotes from the same fertilized egg.

The difference between Johnathan and Paul, however, ended with their personalities.

But not for lack of his father trying.

“Face it. It might as well have been your teeth breaking those bones in Dr. Dante’s shoulder and not Paul’s.”

“Exactly my point.”

Frost shook his head. “He’s going to run, J. No matter where he is, he’s going to get tied to someone. He doesn’t have a choice.”

And whoever mounted him would reap the rewards of strength. They’d go through metamorphosis, and the Sarvari would become connected to theSuvar, allowing it to draw energy from the birthplace of the Fenrir. Members of their meta-pack would benefit by proxy.