“And Grey?”

“Told him we completed the pickup. That storm is still hanging at the border, but it should be out of the way in a coupled days and we can get to Ontario.”

The rest of the trip to Manitoba would be made by theKharkovchanka. An all-terrain snow vehicle was the only choice for transport. Especially on the cusp of winter when ice storms and high winds hit without warning. “Called the airport to make sure they’d prep the Cadillac. Ride’s going to be hard enough, so I figured we’d try to make Dr. Dante as comfortable as possible.” Johnathan ate a few bites.

Frost stared.

“What?” Johnathan said.

“You didn’t tell your father about the fever, did you? Or confirm what Paul said.”

“He’ll figure it out when we get there.”

Frost cut into his filet. “You’re going to have to make a decision at some point, J.”

And it didn’t take a molecular biologist to know what Frost meant.

Jonathan didn’t look at Frost while he finished his first steak or the second.

Browned on the outside, red on the inside.

Jonathan would have eaten it raw, but he ate enough raw meat when he hunted as the Sarvari. Eating slightly cooked food served as a reminder he’d lived most of his life as a man and not the wolf.

Not that his father hadn’t tried to turn him and his brothers into animals long before they created the VrK.

While Paul had gladly abandoned his humanness, Johnathan fought harder and harder to keep it. Mock hunts, the ring fights, the rutting like animals afterward, mounting the looser, and when that wasn’t enough, deltas and omegas. Even when Johnathan embraced the wolf while overseas on missions, and killed in the most violent ways, he’d always knownwhohe was and that he was the one incontrol.

Not anymore.

The Sarvari’s presence thrummed through Johnathan, no longer interested in eating, fighting, or fucking anyone willing to put their ass in the air.

It focused on one goal.

One person.

Frost smirked while wearing an obvious “Still waiting for your lame-ass answer.”expression on his face.

Johnathan swallowed. “Nothing to decide.”


Johnathan shifted in his seat, but there was no getting comfortable with a hard-on crushed against his thigh.

“Like I said, ripe.” Frost drank more water.

“No. I’m jacked up because I’ve been too busy to mount anyone.” Jonathan took another bite, chewing hard enough to grind his teeth. “It didn’t help we had to chase him.” Then he’d fought like a lion.

And violence was practically foreplay to the Sarvari.

“We don’t even know if he’ll help.” Johnathan wasn’t about to force the man to go. “If that’s the case, telling Grey now would be a moot point.” More like Johnathan didn’t want to listen to the man rage because he hadn’ttalkedDr. Dante into going to Manitoba.

“Well, if he does get on that plane, make sure you let Grey know so he can have someone lined up to take your place.” Frost propped an elbow on the table. “Might take a while for him to choose. He’s got a lot of options.”

Johnathan narrowed his eyes.

“How many of your half-brothers are at the estate? Forty? Forty-five? I’m sure your father can find a suitable substitute in the lot.”

Johnathan’s teeth sharpened.