
The horse trailer sat beyond several cars and under a cluster of massive oak trees. Nox picked Luca up.

“Will you stop that?” He punched Nox in the shoulder but nowhere near enough to hurt.

“Like you said, it’s dark. You can’t see. This way you won’t trip.” He headed toward the trailer.

Luca huffed. “Liar. You just like treating me like a sack of potatoes.”

Nox walked up the ramp leading into the trailer. A tarp hung over the opening. The faint scent of horses lingered, but the wooden sides and bottom gleamed with a high polish. Hooks and nets lined the walls where items could be tied down to keep them from falling during transit.

A mattress and thick blankets filled close to half the space. Containers of food and gallons of water sat off to the side. Washing powder dominated the fabric, but the scent of Varu was still there. Isaiah’s the strongest.

And Nox needed to erase it.

“You can put me down now.”

He didn’t want to, but Nox did as Luca asked.

Luca kicked off his shoes and walked over to the mattress. “No worse than the bed in the motel room.” He stripped off his shirt and jeans and hung them on a hook. The cold had leached the color from his skin. “You should take off your clothes. You’re wet.” He pushed down his boxers.

Nox growled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” The Anubis did.

Luca made his way over. “You sure about that?” He unbuttoned Nox’s jeans and slid down the zipper.

Cool fingers pushed through the gap in Nox’s boxers and pried his cock free from where it was trapped between his thigh and the fabric of his jeans.

“I love that I do this to you.” Luca thumbed the head, and Nox sucked in a breath. “I love how you want me so bad that even running from the cops doesn’t stop you.”

Luca had no idea how much Nox wanted him. All the time, forever trapped under him. Entwined in his flesh, tasting his cum, absolutely enslaved by the feel of his body.

“Please lie down with me.” Luca pushed Nox’s jeans to his hips.

If only Nox could just lie beside Luca. For once, like a man, like a normal human being.

But the Anubis would never allow it. No matter how much he wanted to be with Luca like a person, not just use him to sate the needs of the Anubis, to be a lover and not an animal. To do the impossible.

The thought forced Nox to step back.

“What’s wrong?” Luca said.

Nox dropped his gaze. “I can’t be with you right now. Not like this. Not like…” His eyes burned. Why couldn’t he just love Luca like he deserved?


“I’ll come back later.” Nox pulled up his jeans and fought to get his dick back into his boxers. “I promise. Later.”


“Please, Luca… please…”

Naked, his cock flushed, his skin cool and craving warmth, all of Luca begged Nox to stay close.

But he wouldn’t be the one fucking Luca. The knowledge drove Nox toward the exit and gave him the strength to fight the blades of agony flaying him alive as he walked away.

* * *

Isaiah had never figured himself a voyeur, but he couldn’t force himself to return to his motor home. Instead, he followed Nash and Luca as close as he dared. Staying upwind kept Nash from picking up his scent.