“Of course not. There was a sign at the beginning of the road that said no fishing.” Nox got in and cranked up the van. “I think while you look for a computer, I’ll shop for some clothes and a few camping supplies.”

“Where are we going that we’ll need camping supplies?”

“I don’t know if we’ll need them.”

“You don’t know?” Luca raised his eyebrows. “Do you even know where you’re taking me?”

A butterfly lit on the windshield wiper. It opened and closed its wings several times before flittering away.

“You don’t do you?”

Nox dropped his chin to his chest.

“You’re just driving in some random direction with no idea where you’re going?”

“West.” Nox almost sounded sure.

“Just west?”

“West, then north.”

“Where is west and north?”

“To Canada. I think.”

“Do you know what part?” Luca propped his shoulder against the passenger door and chewed his bottom lip.

“I don’t think he said where exactly. But he wanted me to take you northwest.”

“Koda.” Luca dropped his hands into his lap.

“Yeah. He told me to keep you safe. If we go northwest, it will make it more difficult for the people to find you.”


“The terrain?”

“Are you asking me or telling me?”

Nox shook his head. “I don’t know, Luca, and I don’t want to lie to you. But Canada feels right, and once there, it will make it difficult for them to follow.”

“Because of the terrain?” A thought occurred to Luca. “Or because it’s a different country?”

Nox lifted his eyes. “I think that may be it.”

Northwest so some unknown people couldn’t find Luca. Not just unknown, but people who brought back the dead.

Impossible. Nox had to have things mixed up, but how else could he have known Koda? How else could his brother who had died years ago have sent Nox to protect him? Trying to find a rational explanation led Luca back to questioning everything.

And he should have questioned it. Not to mention he should have been trying to get away from Nox.

The man widened his eyes and flared his nostrils.

But if none of what Nox said was true, then how had he known about Disneyland?

Tensions eased from Nox’s shoulders, softening the hard lines of muscle.

If Luca stuck around, Nox could get his memory back, and then Luca would have the answers he needed. Specifically those about Koda.