Nox braced his feet against the rocky edge and used the leverage to thrust. Cold earth squished up between their bodies. He kept Luca raised off the ground, but the position allowed the rain to pelt his cheeks and soak his hair.

“More.” Luca cradled Nox’s face. “Harder, Nox. Please.”

Nox bucked his hips grinding against the rock at Luca’s back. A sting ghosted over Nox’s shoulder, and he shifted his weight, trying his best to keep Luca far enough from the wall and off the ground. Nox positioned himself into an uncomfortable twist, but it accomplished his goal. Luca yelled and the sound drove Nox to move faster. Luca clung to Nox, tangling his fingers in Nox’s hair until his grip stung.

“Like that.” Luca nipped Nox’s ear, and he sank his teeth deeper into Luca’s shoulder. “Yes.” He yanked Nox by his hair. “Again.”

Nox obeyed. Just as fast as the blood flowed, it disappeared under the weave of stitching flesh. It should have been impossible. Not only did Luca heal, he healed faster than his brother. And the presence of the Anubis hummed in satisfaction, drowning in the pleasure washing over Nox.

He flexed his body, driving himself in short pumps as deep as he could. If only he could be closer. A crackle rode down Nox’s spine, similar to the rise of release. Strands of the Anubis crawled over Nox’s shoulders, sliding over Luca’s arms, neck, thighs. Every contact with his skin a burst of complete euphoria. Nox groaned, his thoughts drowning under the tactile sensation. His mind trying to process, yet losing under the constant surge of information.

Beyond the silken caress, bliss swelled in Nox’s chest, coursing down his body, gripping his balls. Somehow, he quickened his strokes not caring about the gouges he scraped in his thighs, or how the rock against his feet cut open his toes. What Luca gave him was too important. Nox strained to hold back until Luca jerked, his body becoming a vice, his cock pumping streams of cum where it was trapped between their bodies. Only then did Nox give himself over to the rapture of release. His cock pulsing, filling Luca with his scent. Another wave of ecstasy echoed between them. More of Luca’s pleasure. As if the feel of Nox’s cum triggered a second orgasm.

Nox fell still, and the Anubis retreated in a slow glide of tendrils until there was nothing but Nox’s flesh pressed against Luca’s.

In other words, perfection.

Nox held Luca until his breaths evened out and his grip fell slack. The sleep overtook Luca, slowing his heart rate and respiration to less than a dozen a minute. It would have worried Nox if Luca hadn’t reacted like an Alpha to everything else. The coma-like state would last until he’d drawn whatever Nox had to give. Sleep pulled at Nox, all his reserves, all his strength still flowing into Luca, his body starving for energy.

Nox curled around Luca, still buried in his ass, helpless against the exhaustion towing him under.


The coordinates sent to Phillips showed Nash’s profile in Montana. It also showed artifacts that could be other Anubis scattered through the area. But since they’d been made from living tissue, Reese wasn’t sure how reliable the data was.

A couple hours on another jet and one in the car, and they’d left all semblance of civilization for the almost untouched rural lands of Montana. A few more miles northwest, and it became a wilderness.

Wind rocked the SUV.

Three of the black vehicles made their way up the winding road in the direction of Dr. Markus’s residence. This time, Colonel Harrington drove, and Reese rode shotgun. A handful of military personnel and Phillips occupied the one leading the way, and a second car with ore armed men followed up the rear. Even as fast as they’d gotten off the ground and to the location, Nash still had the advantage of time.

The recovery satellite had been developed to locate remains, not a moving target. So speed hadn’t been the focus of its design. The amount of energy it took to operate the sensors meant it couldn’t run a scan more than once every fifteen minutes during daylight hours before going silent after sunset.

Therefore, the most current data they had was hours old, and there wouldn’t be anything new until sunrise west coast time.

Then there was the translation delay. Each scan required a minimum of ten minutes for the computers to assimilate the raw data into a map. Ten minutes that gave Nash and the other Anubis time to leave the area.

Ten minutes might have been hours to something that could move faster than any human. Or in Nash’s case, faster than matter should have been able to travel.

And while the signal emanating from the ichor could be seen on a drop of blood up to seventy-two hours old, a wall more than a few inches thick or a sheet of metal as thin as the hood of a car could conceal a Phased Anubis.

The wipers swept across the windshield of the SUV in a valiant fight against sheets of rain.

“You come up with any idea why Nash would show up here?” Harrington flicked the switch on the windshield wipers. They went from valiant to desperate.

“No. Even if Dr. Markus had made an appearance at the Utah facility, there’s no reason he would have told Nash or anyone about owning this place.”

“Any chance he could have run into him outside of the Utah facility?”

“Nothing’s impossible, but I think it’s highly improbable.”

“It’s equally improbable Nash wound up here on accident.”

The colonel was right.

Silence returned. The rain slowed, then the sky opened up again. Lightning outlined a valley of trees.

“What about Luca Suarez?”