Nox turned off the truck.

“Don’t we have to check in?” Luca massaged the crick in his neck.

Nox held up a key. “I didn’t want to wake you until I had to.” He got out.

Luca opened his door. The seat belt dug into his chest. He unlocked it and slid off the seat. His calves twinged, and the pain rode all the way up to his shoulder. Looked like he was going to pay for his impromptu nap for a while.

A battered hatchback pulled into the space next to them. The guy driving got out and gave Luca a once over. He grinned then flicked his gaze beyond Luca’s shoulder.

Nox stood at the bumper of the truck. The driver of the hatchback slammed his car door shut and shuffled off.

“The room’s this way.” Nox watched the man until Luca walked past him; then he fell in beside Luca.

Two doors down, a woman came out. Her ruby sequined purse matched her shoes. She tossed a smile at Luca then her gaze slid over Nox. The woman stopped. “You and your friend need some company, sweetie?” She turned and lifted Luca’s chin with one of her manicured fingers. “Or maybe you got all the company you need.”

Luca’s face burned.

The woman put her lips to his ear. “Lots of lube, sweetheart, that one’s hung if he’s an inch.” She laughed and sauntered away.

Nox slipped the key into the lock.

An actual key. Hopefully, the inside wasn’t as outdated. Nox opened the door, and they went inside.

Luca found the light switch.

It was worse than outdated, way worse.

The dark red carpet matched the tiny hearts running between the pink lines on the wallpaper. The mirror on the dresser was heart shaped. So were the backs of the chairs around the small table by the window.

But of course, it couldn’t stop there.

Bright pink satin sheets covered the bed with its equally nauseating heart-shaped, pink headboard.

“Honeymoon suite.” Nox rubbed the back of his scarlet neck. “It was the only one with a king-sized bed.”

“You could have gotten two doubles.”

“They don’t—” The carnal shouts of copulation came from beyond the ceiling. Equally enthusiastic grunts from next door joined in. Nox dropped his chin.

Luca raised his eyebrows. “This can’t be the only place to stay.”

“It’s not.”

“I’m not even going to ask the obvious question.” Despite Luca’s exhaustion, he had to bite the inside of his mouth to keep from laughing.

The rutting couple next door added the thump of untethered furniture to their mating dance. So much for not laughing. Luca sat in one of the spindly chairs by the table to keep from falling. If it were the neighbor’s choice of furniture, it would never last.

The thought sent him into another round of hysterics. He didn’t stop until his ribs ached, tears coursed down his cheeks, and running out of oxygen was a threat.

But god, laughing felt good.

Nox grinned. “They don’t ask for ID.”

“What?” Luca wiped his eyes while choking back snickers.

“The first two places I stopped at asked for ID. This place—” He waved a hand in the toward the front of the building. “—only requires an extra hundred bucks.”

“They must make a killing under the table.”