Why did Nox have to give Luca the hope things would change? Because they wouldn’t. This time next year, Luca would be buried and forgotten.

The shadows erased the details in Nox’s expression, but Luca didn’t need to see to know Nox was afraid.

“If someone better comes along, I promise to jump ship.” Even if Luca had eternity, there would never be anyone better than the man in front of him.

Nox swept his thumb over Luca’s cheek, to his ear. He cradled the back of Luca’s head, then slowly Nox stepped away. He gave Luca’s hand a tug, and they followed the valley of the green space to the restaurant.

Tall windows divided by strips of colored glass sliced the warm interior light into brighter rectangles and scattered them on the asphalt.

Meat scented smoke billowed from a vent in the roof.

“God, that smells good.” Luca inhaled. Spices, grease, the tang of what might have been peppers tormented his taste buds. “I think I want a steak. A great big steak.” He curled the thumb and finger of each hand and held them apart.

“Don’t think they have forty-ounce ribeyes, and if they did, you don’t stand a chance at eating one.”

Luca grinned. “I could eat what I want, then you could have the rest.”

“You’re kidding, right? Because if they have forty-ounce ribeyes, I’m getting two.”

Luca stopped, pulling Nox around till he stood in front of him. “You cannot eat eighty ounces of steak.” There was no way. He didn’t even have enough space between his lungs and…. Nox had those damn sweats on again. Luca jerked his gaze off the line of Nox’s cock pressing against the fabric. “No.” It was the best Luca could do.

“Really?” Nox pulled free of Luca’s hold.

“It’s physically impossible.”

Nox walked backward toward the entrance while grinning. “You’ve never seen me when I’m hungry.”

Luca hurried to catch up.

The door swung open, bumping Nox in the shoulder, and hesidesteppedjust in time to avoid the two men soaked in cheap beer as they stumbled out. A woman in a red shirt and gaudy rhinestone jeans followed them. She had her head turned, laughing at one of her companions. Before Luca could step out of the way, she slammed into him. He stumbled into Nox.

“Watch it.” Her over mascaraed eyes widened. “You again. Fucking little spic.” She flicked her high glossed nails over the front of her blouse. “That’s him, Jimmy. That’s the little bean eater who tried to feel me up earlier.”

“What?” Luca held up his hands. “No.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are putting your hands on another man’s woman?” Jimmy made a grab for Luca, but hesidesteppedhim.

His other male companion snagged Luca’s shirt.

Nox closed a hand over the man’s wrist. “Don’t.”

The guy blinked his red-rimmed eyes. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

Jimmy made another go at Luca, and he landed a punch to the guy’s nose. The man jerked back with a howl. Blood seeped through his fingers, and Little Miss Bedazzled screamed for help.

The man Nox held swung his fist. Nox blocked the hit and spun the guy around. One hard shove sent him against the window. His face smacked the glass, and a red streak followed him into the bushes edging the wall.

“Let’s go.” Nox turned, taking Luca with him.

People filed out of the restaurant.

“Where are we going?” Luca had to run to keep from being dragged.

“We’re leaving.”

“What? Why? We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“We can’t take a chance on the cops not agreeing with you.”