“You used the GPS, right?”

“The phone died.”

“Did you hook it to the charger? It will run plugged in.”


“So why are we lost?”

“Because I couldn’t figure out how to get the program thing to work.”

“The app?”

“Yeah, that. I couldn’t figure out how to get it to open.” Nox stared hard out the driver’s window.

Luca laughed.

“It’s not funny.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Not everyone knows how to work those smartphones.”

“Yeah.” Luca snorted. “Only everyone under eighty.”

“Shut up.”

“Why didn’t you just wake me up?”

Nox’s cheeks flushed. “Because I thought I had it handled, then when I realized I didn’t, I knew you’d laugh when you found out.”

He was right. Luca clamped his mouth shut, but when Nox glanced over, they both burst out laughing. God, it felt good just to laugh. Hell, just to smile.

Nox looked at Luca, and for the first time, there was no tension, no worry, just the strong features of a gorgeous man.

“We’ll stop someplace to eat, and you can give me another lesson.”

“Will you pay attention next time?”

Nox rolled his eyes. “I—”

The van jerked and the engine sputtered. A red light winked on near the speedometer.

“Oh shit, what’s wrong?”

“Check Engine, could be anything.” Nox pulled into a gas station parking lot. He got the van in a clear spot next to the air hoses before it sputtered and died. “Fuck.” Nox popped the hood and got out.

So did Luca.

Fluid splashed on the ground near the radiator. Nox lifted the hood. A few tendrils of steam escaped from between the engine parts.

“Did it overheat?” Luca scanned the mess of hoses and wires.

“Not quite. It was close, though.”

“It could be the water pump.”

Nox bumped his fist against the frame of the hood. “Splendid.”