“I’ll be fine.”

“And the Anubis will just let them haul you away?”

Nox met Luca’s terrified gaze and said, “I’ll control it.”

“You just said you couldn’t.”

Luca was right.

“Then you’ll have to help me control it.” Nox slowed to a crawl. “Stay calm. Don’t panic. Please, just control your breathing and try not to be afraid.”

“Please, there has to be another way.”

“As long as you can convince the Anubis they’re not going to harm you, I have a chance of keeping it reined in.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“Just keep thinking the cops won’t hurt you, they just want me. They’re here to protect you.”

“What if they don’t believe me?” Luca’s voice cracked.

“Make them believe you. Tell them whatever it takes to get you to a hospital. Whatever you need to tell them, no matter how bad, do you understand?”


Nox stopped, and the cop car pulled in behind them. A spotlight blared through the space, striking off the mirrors.

“Turn off the vehicle and put your hands out the window.” A speaker amplified the command.

Nox turned off the Jeep and rolled down the window.

“Please don’t leave me.” The plea was almost lost to the wind rocking the Jeep.

“I won’t.” Nox put his hands outside. “I swear I won’t.”

The doors on the cop cars thumped open. “Driver,” one officer said. “Open your door and step out. Keep your hands where I can see them.”

Luca’s fear washed through Nox. Static played against the inside of his skin. “Calm, Luca. Please.” Nox opened the door. “I’m not armed.”

“Step out of the car and keep your hands where they can be seen.”

Nox climbed out of the Jeep. The spotlights edged the two officers, tracing the lines of their raised arms and the guns they held.

“Turn around and walk toward me.”

He did.

“Now on your knees and cross your legs at the ankles.” The man skipped his gaze over Nox’s nude form and exchanged a look with his partner who approached the Jeep with his weapon drawn.

“Passenger,” the second officer said. “Open your door and show your hands.”

There was a moment of silence, then the door clicked.

“Now step out of the vehicle.”

Fabric shuffled, and the tacky sound of rubber shoe soles clinging to wet pavement marked Luca’s approach.

“You.” The officer in front of Nox said. “On your stomach and put your hands behind your back.”