“I need to take the edge off Luca.”

And that meant what?

“Lubricant it’s in—”

“The Anubis won’t wait.” A growl vibrated the air. “Put your legs together.” His words garbled as if pushed through too many teeth.

Luca did, trapping Nox’s cock between them.

“Cross your ankles.”

Again, Luca obeyed.

Nox groaned and thrust his cock between Luca’s thighs, creating pressure behind Luca’s balls. His spent cock twitched, and a new spiral of warmth filled his core.

Nox’s hands were everywhere on Luca’s body, rolling his nipples, raking down his ribs, and cupping his dick. Sweat soaked Luca’s skin, and shivers wracked his frame.

What began as a craving transformed into an insatiable need, an unexplainable high, that filled Luca.

He arched against Nox. “Please.” Luca squeezed his legs, and Nox grunted with each pump of his hips. The smack of their bodies, their heavy breaths, carnal pleas, became a new kind of living for Luca. Something he did not want to end.

Nox stuttered in his movements, and wet heat smeared between Luca’s thighs.

He groaned in frustration for what should have been inside him, only able to get on his skin when it ran out his hole. Fire seared a path where ever they touched, and Luca writhed, desperate, needy, hungry for more. Nox sucked at the skin on the back of Luca’s neck, and he thrust his hips, using the friction of Nox’s hand on his cock to try to find release.

Nox let go of Luca’s dick.

“Wait.” He needed Nox inside him. He needed to come.


Luca sobbed. “Why?”

“Because.” Nox rasped his tongue over the fine hairs on Luca’s unshaven skin. “I’m nowhere near finished with you… yet.”


Nox had been foolish to believe killing the mountain lion would satisfy the Anubis. Foolish to think letting it gorge until euphoric would distract it from what it really wanted.

Who it wanted.

But Nox had. And somewhere between bathing in the river to clean off the blood and on his walk back to the van, the Anubis slipped in taking control. The transformation so smooth, Nox hadn’t even realized what happened until Luca opened the van door.

Stagnate air carried out the leftover musk of two different men. Luca and the stranger he’d let touch him at the motel.

Taste him.

Mark him.

His scent had stained the missing pair of Luca’s jeans wadded up under the other sleeping bag.

With the Anubis so close the scent was nothing short of a threat. An olfactory declaration of ownership.

And no one owned Luca. Not even the Anubis.

Luca was there to be worshipped.

To the Anubis that meant the world would not be right until Luca bled pleasure, exhaled lust, and whimpered in bliss. Until there was no fear, worry, concern, only the carnal desire rooted in the most primitive brain.