“Can we stop soon? I’m really tired.” Luca yawned.

“Yeah, as soon as I find a place.” It took another half hour on the highway, but Nox spotted signs for food and lodging a few miles from a weigh station. He exited the highway and was practically in the motel parking lot nestled between a truck stop and all-night diner.

The running lights of a fleet of semi cast an orange glow in the spaces between the trailers they towed.

Nox waited for a group of truckers to make their way across the motel parking lot before pulling up to the lobby doors. Five minutes later, Nox drove around to the back of the building and found an open parking spot in front of their room.

Luca rested his head against the window. His eyes were closed.

“Hey.” Nox jostled him by his shoulder.

Luca straightened in his seat and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, I must have dozed off.” He leaned forward, looking out the windshield. “Doesn’t look too bad.”

“People in the office were nice.”

“How much did you have to pay them to let us have a room without ID?”


Luca gave Nox a doubtful look.

“I told them my wallet was stolen by someone I stopped to help when they had a flat tire.” Nox shrugged. “It could have happened, and I just can’t remember.”

Luca grabbed the computer and got out. Nox collected the plastic bags with the dirty clothes.

“What are you doing?” Luca’s voice squeaked, and his wide-eyed gaze practically burned a hole through the bag in Nox’s left hand.

“A sign in the lobby said they had laundry service. I figured we could make use of it.”

Luca leaned in the van and snatched his bag of dirty laundry out of Nox’s hand. “I’ll take mine.”

“There’s no need for both of us to go.”

“Then I’ll take yours too.” Luca squished the bag against his chest. “I mean if you want me to.” He almost looked up.

“Sure.” Nox handed over his bag, and Luca took it.

The room was neat and clean with furniture and an earthy color scheme. A dorm-sized fridge sat in the corner. Generic landscape pictures hung on the wall.

Luca stopped in the doorway, gaze on the queen-sized bed. His Adam’s apple rode up and down his throat, and Nox had to resist the urge to chase the movement with his fingers.

Luca set his computer down on the table by the AC unit without taking his eyes off the bed. “I guess I’ll go ahead and do the laundry.”

Was he still upset?

Or had Nox made it worse by what he’d done that morning?

Thing was, he wanted to do it again. He wanted Luca under him, writhing, crying, screaming. Legs spread, body covered in sweat. He wanted his cock buried in Luca’s ass and to fuck him until he couldn’t move.

Static crawled under Nox’s skin, threatening to erupt in black threads. He bit back the hiss.

Luca’s shoulder brushed Nox’s arm on his way to the door, and Nox’s hand shot out, grabbing Luca’s coat.

Luca lifted his chin and the black of his eyes expanded until it ate up all the brown. Nox fought the urge to lean closer, to slip his tongue between Luca’s parted lips, to drink down the moan destined to escape his chest.

Nox’s fingers creaked with the effort to open his grip. “They said you can drop it off, and they’ll have it done by check out in the morning.”

Luca didn’t move. His scent sweetened. Nox made more space between them. Whatever spell holding Luca there broke, and he hurried out of the room.