Page 44 of Flawless Prize

The thought chills me. It was one thing risking my own safety, trying to find a way out of this mess. But now it’s Juliet’s life on the line too…

I clench the steering wheel with white knuckles.

Nothing can hurt her now. Nobody will touch her.

Not as long as I’m here to draw breath.

“I’m sorry about your place,” her voice comes, fragile.

I shake my head and press on the gas.

“But hey, at least you can build somewhere new. One of those modern monstrosities with a spa and jet ski dock.”

She’s actually joking. I can’t fucking believe it.

“Caleb?” she asks, sounding desperate. I can’t take it. “Caleb, talk to –”

“Fuck it. Fine,” I say.

We’re a mile from the expressway. I swerve off the road and onto the shoulder, kicking up gravel in the dark.

When the car comes to a stop, I wrench open the door and stalk away from the car. Pacing in the dark. Trying to get my emotions in check. Trying not to wring her pretty neck.

I feel a hand on my hand. I whirl around and find her standing there, pale in the moonlight.

Precious. Fragile.


“You can’t fucking do that!” I roar, fury getting the better of me.

She flinches back like I’ve struck her, but my heart is pounding in my chest. With fear. With anger. With the knowledge it could have all ended for her tonight.

“You can’t run INTO a burning building; I don’t care what the fuck you were thinking!” I continue, gripping her arms. “I can’t lose you,” I yell. “I almost lost you in that car accident and I’m not going to lose you again. Do you understand?”

“I’m fine,” she protests. “I survived the crash, and we survived this. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you almost did!” I release her, backing off. “Fuck, Juliet, you don’t know how close you came. And I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. I love you!” I yell, desperate. “I fucking love you too much to lose you!”

There’s silence, just the sound of my ragged breathing in the dark.

Juliet nods. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you, too.”

“OK then.” I collect myself, fighting for composure. “So, we’re in agreement. Both of us stay alive.”

Her lips curl in a smile at that. “OK.”

I pull her into a desperate hug, wishing the world could disappear. Wishing I could just keep her safe forever.

“But what happens now?” she asks, drawing back to look at me.

I sigh. I still don’t have a plan yet, but if that fire proved anything, it’s that I can’t run from Nero.

We can’t hide and hope that it’ll all go away.

I need to fight this thing, head on. No backing down.

“What I should’ve done a long time ago,” I tell her, holding her close. “Talk to the authorities.”

Juliet’s eyes widen in surprise. “But I thought… You said you couldn’t risk Sterling Cross’s reputation.”

“Fuck the company’s reputation,” I say, determined.

If it keeps Juliet safe?

There’s no price in the world I wouldn’t pay.