Page 19 of Flawless Ruin

I twist the bracelet in the light so that they can get the full effect, and I almost feel some of my confidence ebbing back into me. I smile as the jewels sparkle. Something like this, I’d wear every day. Dressing up. Dressing down. It’d probably become a favorite piece of my collection.

In my mind, I hear Caleb’s voice say, I’m going to fuck you in this bracelet.

My mouth goes wet. I lick my lips like an addict awaiting her next fix.

I say, “This one. I absolutely love it.”

Caleb motions to Mara. “Good. Polish it and wrap it in a Sterling Cross box with a silver ribbon. And a card. For Madeline. I’ll be back to pick it up at the end of the day.”

I exhale in a whoosh.

He spins and walks away, leaving me staring at Mara, who’s giving me the sympathy pout again. My eyes fall to the bracelet on my wrist.

The bracelet for some woman named Madeline, who I guarantee is going to be having a very good night tonight.

Unlike me.

By the timeI get back to my desk, I’ve imagined what Lucky Madeline looks like, as well as all the particulars of their date. In my mind, it’s not much different to how he wooed me. Maybe that’s why he’s so smooth and in control. He’s done it all, a thousand times.

And I was just one link in the chain.

I sit behind my desk and furtively open my personal email on my phone, fingers crossed for good luck.

I have one message waiting from one of the jobs I applied to, earlier in the week. Opening it, my eyes catch on the phrase, While your qualifications certainly are impressive, we’ve decided to pursue other candidates…


I swipe the email away and slump in my chair.

After that, I try to upload the department expense reports to the shared server, something made impossible every time I hear the deep timbre of Caleb’s voice drifting from his office. Sometimes he’s laughing, sometimes he’s serious… But one thing is clear: His life is not any different without me in his bed.

He’s moved on. Like that. Just a link in the chain.

I look up and sigh, then see David walking down the hall toward me, a smile on his face. “Juliet, Juliet, wherefore art thou…” He starts. “Bet you’ve heard that all your life.”

I force a smile. “Yep.”

He sits on the corner of my desk. “All right, then I’ll spare you the rest of the soliloquy. Just came by to confirm tonight. Seven?”

“Of course. Did you think I’d forget?”

“No,” he says, his brow tenting, and I get the feeling he wants to say more. “Just that you seemed a little iffy when I asked you.”

“I did?” I ask, not surprised in the least that he was able to pick up on it. I have a horrible poker face. “I promise you, I’m not. I’m excited.”

He studies me closely. “You sure?”

Oh. I know what this is all about. Mara said that the whole company was buzzing with news of me and Caleb. I wonder if he knows.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Caleb appear in the door of his office. I’m not sure if he’s watching me as he heads to the cubicle with the photocopier, but I instinctively raise my voice. “Of course! But yes, I just went through a little breakup. That’s why.”

“Oh? Sorry to hear that.”

All I see is the top of Caleb’s head. I don’t hear the whirring of the photocopier. Is he listening?

Good. He thought he could get a rise out of me with Jacqueline? With that whole Madeline stunt?

Well, two can play at that game. I’m not pining for you, Mr. Jerkface.