Page 73 of Bodyguard By Night

I wasn’t sure what Chaos had told her, but I saved myself a conversation by nodding. “You don’t have to worry.”

“I know. I can tell.”

I looked down at my scarred boots. She didn’t know me, nor did she know how many times I’d fucked up over the years, but I’d make sure Clay’s future sister-in-law would be safe. I had very little family left that I cared about. I wouldn’t let him or Rachel down.

Chaos finally got into the truck, and we started the arduous journey north. Full dark was upon us, and the rain had come back with a vengeance by the time we got out of Brooklyn. I really wished we’d taken Clay’s plane.

“Thanks for today.”

I glanced at her. She was curled up with her hands tucked in the sleeves of her sweatshirt. It seemed as if she was always cold. I reached for the heater, and she waved me off. “Sure?”

She nodded. “I already have a headache brewing. The heater will make it worse.”

I reached behind my seat and snagged one of the bottles of water tucked in the pocket. “There’s Advil in the glovebox.”

“Really?” She let out a half laugh. “You think of everything.” She leaned forward and found the travel bottle of meds, then she took the water from me.

“It’s my job to be prepared.”

“And you’re good at your job, I know.” She took a few deep swallows, closing her eyes wearily.

“Why don’t you push the seat back and get some Zs? The rain is going to make it a long drive.”

“The passenger is supposed to make conversation and man the radio.”

“I’m not listening to any more Harry Styles.”

“C’mon. You know you secretly love ‘Watermelon Sugar’.”

I certainly did not. I also wouldn’t admit the weird “She” had been a pretty good song. If I did, she would put it on repeat.

Chaos fit her for music as well. Songs on repeat, then fast forwarding through dozens to find something, then hopping genres for another before the song ended. She was exhausting.

“I’ll just do some edits. You can listen to what you want.”

Luckily, all the emotions of the day seemed to have been too much for her busy brain. She pulled out her iPad, but she nodded off before doing much of anything.

The rhythmic sound of the wipers and rain eased my mind as well. I left my favorite Hozier album on repeat and battled my way over the bridge. Chaos slept on, leaving me to plan for how we’d deal with Clay and Rachel.

Wedding details would keep the three of them busy. And since I needed to keep my eye on Chaos, I’d be in the thick of it as well. But that would give Poe time to analyze the data she was combing through. Maybe she’d even find a few more digital footprints. If anyone could, it would be Aidan’s people.

I had to trust in the process and that wasn’t my strength. I also didn’t like that the digital angles were outside my wheelhouse.

By the time we were on the Thruway, my bladder was begging for a stop. I’d managed to hold out until we were about an hour outside of Turnbull. I really needed to check in with Clay too. I pulled off at one of the toll rest stops and parked.

I texted Clay to let him know we’d run late and I’d just take Willow back to my place.

She was pretty knocked out, but I wasn’t comfortable with leaving her alone. And I needed a burger or something for some fuel. I pushed a wild curl out of her face. The rain had turned her fussy straight hair back to curls.

She turned toward me, her eyes fluttering in that hazy world between sleep and waking. The soft smile that followed kicked me in the chest. “Are we home?”

The idea of her calling my placehomewas far too enticing. I wanted to lash out. My usual replies to make sure she didn’t get too close burned like lemon juice on the tip of my tongue. Instincts I’d honed over the last ten years urged me to retreat, but I leaned down and accepted her softness instead.

She hummed into my mouth and a lazy sigh drifted between us. Instead of breaking things apart, she lifted to meet my mouth again, her nails scoring my scalp as what should have been a quick kiss turned into hot flashes of tongue and panting breaths. My earlier hunger for food faded and was replaced with the urge to take her under.

To taste whatever she’d allow.

To turn her whimpers into moans.