Page 68 of Bodyguard By Night

Stubborn man. Was he afraid someone would notice we were…what? Making out? I didn’t even know what to call that kiss. It was far too intense for a sidewalk.

“And what exactly was that all about?”

“I wanted to kiss you. It’s the only thing that keeps you quiet.”

My mouth dropped open. Why that asinine piece of—

Then he grinned at me. The last time I’d seen him actually smile was way back during Christmas.

He pulled one of my hands down to lace with his and instead of lambasting him for what he’d said, I frowned. This guy had me so off-balance, I couldn’t catch up.

Since when did we hold hands? Tonsil hockey was one thing, but this was just weird.

The front door to my apartment building burst open and Merry came flying out down the steps. Ransom immediately pushed me behind him.

Merry stopped on the patchy wet grass. “Willow?”

I tried to twist my fingers out of his hold, but he’d somehow replaced his skin with Velcro. “It’s just my roommate. Well, old roommate.” I peeked around Ransom. “Hey, Merry.”

“Don’t ‘hey, Merry’ me. Who is that and why was his tongue in your mouth?”

“Christ,” he muttered and led me toward the crumbling cement steps.

I brushed my fingers over my very puffy mouth. “Merry, this is Ransom.”


He glanced at me, the corner of his mouth kicking up. “The?”

“Shut up.” I tried to dislodge his hand, but he still wasn’t having it. “Ransom, Merry.”

He nodded curtly.

I rolled my eyes. “Can I hug my friend?”

He sighed and let my hand go, but he started looking over his shoulder again.

Merry frowned as she pulled me in for a tight hug. “I was so worried. You haven’t been replying to my texts.”

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s been a little crazy.”

“I was hoping you’d change your mind and come home.” She looped her arm around my waist as we walked up the steps.

“C’mon, Dennelle probably has five applicants to replace me already.”

Merry sighed. “Four.”

I laughed. I’d only been gone a few days, but it felt like a million lifetimes. “It’s okay, Mer. I know it’s time to move on.”

“Withhim?”she asked out of the side of her mouth. “You didn’t mention he was like Winter Soldier-intense-I-could-kill-you-hot.”

“He’s literally behind us.”

Merry looked back and waved. “I mean, youarehot. You must know it.”

Ransom gave her a bland stare.

I pushed Merry through the door. The familiar squeak of the old hinges and hint of beeswax mixed with pine made me just a bit homesick. So much of my life had been spent here in this oddly cut apart old house. “We’re just here to get my stuff.”