Page 64 of Bodyguard By Night

Evidently, I wasn’t.

“An experiment then.”

“Experiment. Sure, whatever you want to call it, Chaos.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I really hate when you call me that.”

“No, you don’t.”

And then there were no more words. I straightened up and raked my fingers through her damp curls, pushing off the hood so I could get to all of her.

Her chin lifted to meet me and there was only rain and lemons and heat between us. I hovered just a breath away from her mouth. Yeah, one taste wasn’t going to be enough. I brushed her nose with mine and licked my lips.

But there was only one first kiss with a woman.

The air steamed between us as I brushed her lips lightly. Sugar and cinnamon clung to the little divot at the bow of her lips. I licked at the soft skin. Her huge hazel eyes were still open, swirling with questions. Ones I damn sure didn’t have answers to.

The buzz in my chest roared into my head then went dead silent as I covered her mouth. I gripped the back of her head and tilted her for better access. Lemons and rain blended together and reached into my chest and squeezed tight. She tasted like spring. Cool with a sneaky heat that knocked me flat.

My other arm slid around her back until she was flush against me. Her hands were trapped between us and she pushed at my shirt, her cold fingers tunneling under for warmth or to get to me, I wasn’t sure.

She scraped her teeth over my lower lip. “More.”


The kiss went deeper, our tongues tangling and searching. Where I’d been expecting sweet, she gave me heat and aggression. Her nails dug into the skin at the top of my jeans and I groaned into her mouth.

I fisted her hair and she panted against my lips. “Didn’t think this was in you, Grumpasaurus.”


And then I took her under again. I sucked at her tongue, wishing desperately we were on my king-sized bed with nothing between us. Even knowing the danger it would bring on my head, I took more. Demanded more.

She gave it.

The rain started to beat down on us, but instead of it chasing us into the truck, I sipped the rain off her lips, her chin, and finally, her neck. My tongue swirled along the softness, searching out the lemon tang even as I explored another patch of salty, wet skin.

She tipped her head back, giving me all the access I could stand until her heated shudders turned into chattering.

I eased up on the taste, dragging my bristled chin along a trio of freckles.

“No, don’t stop.”

“You’re freezing.”

“I’ll live.”

“We’re putting on one helluva show for the trucks, Chaos.”

“I don’t care.” But another shiver ripped through her. Not the good kind.

I bit down on her shoulder. Somehow I’d pushed her coat aside and that soft sweater teased my nose. I nipped at the skin between her shoulder and neck before pulling her coat closed and her hood up. “Get in the Jeep.”

She’d reached around my torso and now she smoothed her fingers along the scars that mapped out my back. Normally, I’d flinch away or reroute the touch. But she already knew a little about those stories, and her gentle strokes left me shaken enough that I needed to shut this down.

“I don’t want to stop. You’ll get in your head, and then we won’t do this again.”

She was right, but that was a problem for later. For now, I needed to get her inside and warm.

And to rein in the lust I hadn’t been prepared for.