I quickly rubbed my lotion in on my arms before pulling on a cloud-soft black sweater one of my fans had sent me. Hand-knit abilities escaped me. My Gemini brain wouldn’t allow me too sit that long in one spot to make something so beautiful.
I ran my hand over the texture, calming myself. Or trying to.
Why was he here?
Had the news been bad?
My hand shook as I put in my gold hoops. Curling my fingers into my palm, the sting of my nails cut the blooming nerves. I’d learned the quick prick of pain could distract me enough to calm myself when I’d first started making videos.
It really wasn’t working at the moment.
But it was enough to let me put in both earrings. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I’d straightened my hair and tried to cover my freckles up with some makeup.
The bane of my existence was looking far younger than I was. A little professional armor would go a long way in showing Ransom and this Aidan person that I wasn’t a complete trainwreck.
At least that was how I saw it.
“Fake it til you make it,” I said to the mirror before grabbing my messenger bag from the bathroom counter. My laptop and iPad were inside. I could probably get some work done on the drive. I had a feeling my chauffeur wasn’t going to be a great conversationalist.
My sister was waiting in the hallway. “Is something going on?”
I pressed my lips together.
She narrowed her eyes. “It feels like more than just this surprise you’re working on.”
I shrugged. “He’s kinda a jerk, but I can deal with him for a few hours. Don’t worry.”
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t be obtuse.”
I folded my arms over my chest. I really sucked at this lying thing. Maybe I should just come clean with her.
Just as I was about to open my mouth and probably blurt out the whole damn thing, her phone blared from her pocket. “Well, get it.”
“It’s fine.” She came forward and pulled my hand free to grip it in hers. “You can talk to me.”
“I know.”
Her phone started up again and Rachel huffed out a breath. “One sec.”
“It’s okay. We’ll talk tonight.”
I could see the indecision in her eyes, but whomever was on the phone put a whole different kind of anxiety in her eyes. “What’s up, Nat?” Her mouth dropped open. “No. We can’t have a reception without music.”
I winced and rubbed her arm quickly. Rach gave me a apologetic smile and I just waved her off and mouthed that I’d see her later.
Saved by the drama.
It would be much better if I found out what Ransom knew before I worried her anyway.
I rushed down the stairs, only taking a minute to pull on boots. April often came with sudden rain showers. I grabbed my hip-length rain slicker from the closet and grinned at the thermos of coffee waiting by the door with two travel mugs. Rachel never missed a trick.
As I opened the door, I kicked a box on the porch. My hand shook until I noticed it was actually addressed to my sister.
“Get it together, Wil.” I shoved the box through the door, meeting Ransom’s gaze as I stood.