Page 40 of Bodyguard By Night

I did a few halfhearted pull-ups, but I didn’t really want to get my blood pumping. I needed some downtime. I knew Chaos enough to expect a visit tomorrow, regardless of my instructions.

I dropped to the floor, stretching my arms out and rolling my shoulders as the last of the tension fell away. Then I returned to the couch and spent another hour reviewing the list of profiles I’d flagged. Most of them were just assholes, leaving me with three names that worried me enough for a deeper check.

Eventually, I stretched out on the couch watching her latest video. I fell asleep with her husky voice following me into dreams.

My phone vibrated on my chest, dragging me out of a restless sleep. Chaos’s hazel eyes and full lips dissipating with each pulse of my heart.

I swung my legs to the floor. “Yeah.”

“Morning to you too.” Aidan Roth’s clipped voice put me on alert.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “It’s barely eight. You can’t have details yet.”

“Poe started working on it last night as soon as you sent it over. She actually follows Doyle’s channel. I didn’t know she cared about cooking since she lives off energy drinks.”

“She has that effect.”

“Is that right?”

I blamed lack of sleep on that stupid comment. “Must be something good if you’re calling me so early.”

“Poe flagged me at five this morning.”

“And you’re just calling me now?”

“I did some digging on my own.”

“And?” It wasn’t like Aidan to drag shit out.

“Think you guys can make a trip into the city?”

I stood up. “What the fuck did you find?”

“A lot to get into on the phone. I’d rather have you come in.”

“Jesus, Roth. This better not be a recruitment.”

Aidan barked out a laugh. “I’m always recruiting. I’d pay you well for your talents.”

“I told you I’m not interested in the private sector.”

He sighed. “Doesn’t hurt to ask. But no, this isn’t just to lure you into my very top notch building with all the toys you could ever want.”

“I don’t believe you.”

The cajoling dropped from his voice. “Today if you can.”

“Is this serious enough that I should get her sister involved?”

The line was silent for a full thirty seconds. “You can make the decision after we show you what we have.”

“We can teleconference, you know.”

“Just get here.” The line went dead.

I stared at my phone then swore and ran upstairs for a shower.

Twenty minutes later, after I gave Midnight some kibble, I was in my Jeep. I debated texting Chaos to let her know I was coming, but I decided it was easier to just show up.