His lips twitched into an almost smile. “Now go home. And don’t open that box until I see you tomorrow. If I came over now, Rachel would get too curious.”
“I told her it was a wedding gift.”
“Still. It’ll hold until tomorrow.”
I huffed out a breath. How was I not going to open it?
“I’m sure Rachel can keep you occupied.”
That was the truth.
I slipped my shoes back on and he followed me to the door. Silence was heavy between us, but I did feel relieved. This could have been a bad idea, but now I thought I might be able to sleep tonight.
He opened the door and Midnight scrambled to his feet.
“Why don’t you let him inside?”
“He won’t come in.”
The massive dog came right to my side as I stepped out onto the porch. “Maybe he can tell he’s not welcome.” I slipped my fingers into his dense fur along his neck. The dog leaned on me, knocking me over a step until I brushed into Ransom.
Fabric softener and mint swirled around me with a blast of chilly spring air.
He righted me with a hand to my elbow. I was tall enough that my eyes lined up with his lips. They were firm and flat as if he was perpetually holding his words behind another shield.
I wished I wasn’t curious. Then maybe he wouldn’t be so damn interesting.
I shuffled the dog over and crouched in front of him. “Pleased to meet you, Midnight. Hope I see you again soon.”
Ransom didn’t say anything.
Not that I was shocked. Every part of him saidstay away,from his hands stuffed into his hoodie pocket, to his closed-off expression and his furrowed brow.
I laughed as Midnight swiped his big spotted tongue up the side of my face. I kissed his nose and stood.
“So, I’ll just wait until you call me? Do you have my number?”
“I’ll find you.”
Hurrying down the stairs, I glanced over my shoulder to find him watching after me with his huge dog standing right beside him.
I ignored the pang in my chest at just how solitary he seemed. By design, or because he was just too stubborn to be anything else?
I opened my door and climbed in.
“Not your problem,” I said to the cold, dark SUV dash. And because now I couldn’t quite help myself, I checked the backseat.
Handily, my four totes of clothes and kitchen items crowded out the chance for an intruder. It also reminded me I had to have a longer talk with my sister.
That would be a future Willow problem.
Right now, I just needed to face-plant on the nearest flat surface.