Page 21 of Bodyguard By Night

His lips twitched. “Less talk, more action, Willow.”

Okay, now my nipples were really excited. Him saying my name should not have done all of that. In fact, there were tingles all over. His voice was like smoke and gravel had a baby.


“Cake,” I muttered under my breath. “You are competent and amazing.”

He cocked his hip. “Thanks.”

“Not you—me. Affirmations are good for the soul, jerkface.”

He grunted instead of replying, which actually relaxed me. Grumpy Ransom was his baseline. And not at all sexy.


I threw my first dart and it hit the center of the seventeen with a firmthwack.

Instead of celebrating, I let out a slow breath and aimed again, hitting the bullseye.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered.

My lips slid into a sly smile. I threw my last dart and it smacked into the thin metal ring around the bullseye and fell to the scarred wooden floor. “Balls.”

I was expecting the glee in his eyes since I’d been a bit of a shit when he missed his throw. Instead surprise lined his expression.

“What? Ready to show me up now?”

He went over to where my dart was and picked it up, then he pulled out the two in the board.

I stalked up behind him. “Gonna show me how it’s done?”

He turned and we were chest to chest, the heat radiating off his Henley burning through the thin dress I was wearing. I stepped back quickly. His stormy gray eyes swirled with something, but then they were back to that misty flat gray. I’d probably imagined it. “Think you’re doing just fine, Chaos.”


“Kinda accurate,” my sister said from the table.

Cripes, I’d nearly forgotten she was there. I snatched the darts from him. “Then let’s do this again.”

“Nah. I’m good with a tie.” He handed me his darts too.

“There’s no tie.” I juggled them together in one hand. Thank goodness for my long fingers. “You’re way ahead of me.”

He jammed his hands into his pockets. “Not meant to finish this one.”

I put my free hand on my hip. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“You should appreciate the chaos aspect…Chaos.”

I almost stomped my foot. Then realized just how insanely childish I was being. Why did this guy bring out the crazy in me?

Because there wasn’t going to be anything between us but a walk down the aisle together.

For my sister. Not like for really real.

“Fine, your loss.”

His lips twitched, but he didn’t say anything else. Then he crossed to the ooey-gooey love table and dropped a bill in front of them. “Think that’s it for me tonight.”