Page 188 of Bodyguard By Night

Clay exhaled. “I mean, yeah, they were volatile. Marigold liked to push buttons.”

“Yeah. I don’t know anything for sure. The only thing I know about my sister is that she’s still out there somewhere. But she made sure Reid came after her. She knew he wouldn’t let her go.”

Clay frowned. “She said she wanted to leave him. Not that she’d done it already.” He gripped the back of his neck, the muscles in his arm rigid.

“I didn’t want to face the fact that my sister split us all up. Maybe that wasn’t her intention, but the only way Reid would let her go was if she burned the two of them to the ground.”

“With me.” Clay looked shattered, but his shoulders finally relaxed. “I knew she liked to make him jealous sometimes. Mostly to get something she wanted because he’d get all possessive.” Clay pinched the bridge of his nose. “God, I feel so stupid.”

“Guilt sucks.” I was relieved to have it off my chest. Damn woman always knew the right thing to open up all my many locks. “I’m just sorry we lost so many years because of this bullshit.”

Clay hauled me in for a hard hug. “I’m just glad you’re back and actually here. Present instead of a shadow.”

I’d hugged more people today than in the last six goddamn months. “All right. Can we stop with the mushy stuff now?”

He gripped both my arms and set me away from him as he flashed me a shit-eating grin. “We got a whole wedding to do, man.”


“And another one in the wings. What a life, man. Who’d’ve thought either one of us would get hitched, let alone to sisters.”

“That just sounds inappropriate.”

He slapped my back. “Let’s go get the girls. I’m starving.”

Maybe it was stupid to think that anything could be resolved this easily. But he was my family, one vital piece of it Marigold hadn’t damaged irreparably.

And sometimes, things really were that simple.

“I could eat.”