Page 180 of Bodyguard By Night

“No problem. The ladies in your life make it more than worth it.”

I laughed. “Clay going to get a bill like mine?”

“The bride has an armful, yes.”

“Worth it.”

“I’m glad. I’ll just go get everything ready. I’m assuming I’ll put Willow’s dress on your account.” Her lips twitched. “And her panties.”

I tried manfully to keep my expression neutral. “Yes, please.”

She started to walk away, but she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “She’s a good one.”

“Better than I deserve, but I’ll do my best to keep her happy.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” Em walked off, trailing a floral spice scent behind her.

When Chaos came out of the dressing room, my gut hit my shoes again. The dress was an off-white with the big red flowers and greenery. It had some sort of strap that went around her neck, leaving her shoulders bare.

“I should probably have a strappy pair of heels to match this gorgeous thing, but I’d prefer not to break my neck while we finish up today.”

“You’re gorgeous, Chaos.”

She swung the skirt of the dress like a bell. “Em has a lot of magic in this shop.”

Rachel came out with a pile in her arms. “Magic is right. I only need three of these altered.”

“Hallelujah,” I said and took a seat on the big hassock by the stage.

Em was efficient and had Rachel measured and the dresses and one pair of slacks all pinned and marked within half an hour. A haircut for me was next since the girls would have someone doing their hair the day of the wedding.

I kept the sisters in my eyeline as a bubbly woman named Ellie wet down my hair and gave me a quick cut.

Finally, we got to the florists. I waited outside while Rach and Chaosoohedand ahhed over silver roses to go with the massive peonies. Whatever those were. I only listened with half an ear as I checked in with Aidan and Beckett.

Aidan had outfitted Happy Acres Cider with a new set of cameras and Beckett would pick up the cases for the wedding the night of the rehearsal dinner.

Why anyone needed to rehearse a wedding, I did not know.

The wild cards were going to be the stag parties. I was hoping there wouldn’t be too many tears when I convinced Clay and Rachel to cancel them.

There were far too many variables in that kind of situation. Originally, they were supposed to be at Lucky’s with the girls using one side of the bar and the guys the other. Ruby hadn’t closed it down to make it private party, though I was sure we probably could convince her.

I still didn’t like it and I’d lobby hard to cancel.

Chaos mattered more than any one last night of freedom crap. I knew Clay was only interested in one thing. And it wasn’t partying until dawn.

Aidan had the distillery locked down and he’d agreed to come back for the wedding if I wanted him to. I told him I’d reserve judgement and that I’d keep him updated.

Chaos came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her chin against my shoulder. “We should be done in a few minutes.”

Automatically, I covered her hands. “Best news I’ve heard all day. Or is that only here?”

“Nope. All done.”

“Thank fuck.”

“Sir.” She squeezed me.