Page 166 of Bodyguard By Night

“That could make him dangerous.” I crossed my arms, suddenly chilled.

“And that’s why we shouldn’t go anywhere.” Ransom’s voice was low and dangerous.

“I don’t know if that course of action will achieve what you want. He might just wait you out. You can’t be on her twenty-four-seven.”


I moved to Ransom and laced our fingers. “I won’t live like this. I did it in college. No one is going to take my life from me again.”

“It’s like that, huh?” Aidan glanced between us. “I had a feeling, but it seems you’ve accelerated things since I saw you.”

Ransom’s grip tightened. “Then you better have more toys in there to keep her safe than a fucking camera.”

“I do.”

“Then let’s figure it out.” Ransom brushed a gentle kiss over my bandage and let me go.

Twenty minutes later, the kitchen island had been transformed into a command center. Even with all my tech understanding, I couldn’t keep up with what they were putting together. Ransom seemed way more knowledgable than I’d initially believed.

I left the two of them to it and set up my own workstation on the couch with a pair of headphones to block their security speak. I was pretty sure they wouldn’t want to hear my edits, either.

Midnight made himself at home beside me while I napped off a headache. Evidently, getting a few hundred jolts of electricity could take it out of a girl.

Ransom woke me before they went outside so I wouldn’t worry if I woke and they were gone. I used the solitary time to film a few short videos to cover me for the next few days.

By the time I realized how long I’d been working, dinner time had rolled around. Aidan and Ransom came in and gave me a heads up about the cameras outside, at the edges of his property, and in the house for good measure.

I wasn’t sure what they were talking about when they discussed merging two softwares and was happy to stay in my own lane there.

My natural curiosity would normally have me hanging on every word, but I knew I needed to protect my space and psyche right now. I didn’t know how I was going to tell my family about the mess I’d brought to their door.

Clay and Rachel would be coming home from the city tomorrow and that would be soon enough for me to figure out some way to gather them together.

We had a full week of wedding things starting this weekend—the bachelor and bachelorette parties, rehearsal, and I had to make sure my dress fit, as well. Picking up Ransom’s tux was also on the list.

Ransom threw together a meal and Aidan stayed to eat. We’d talk to the Ronsons and Mannings tomorrow, as well as Clay and Rachel. Aidan would also set up the orchard and the distillery.

I helped clean up, finishing loading the dishwasher while Ransom walked Aidan out. Midnight followed them for his evening run outside.

Ransom came back in and leaned on the kitchen island. “How are you doing?”

I loaded the last plate and closed the door. “Today was a lot.”

“I’m still certain you’re handling this better than I am.”

I went around the island and ducked under his arm. He straightened and gathered me in against his chest. “I hate all of this. I hate that I’m going to scare my sister again tomorrow, and I hate that I might be putting my family in danger.”

Saying everything I’d been thinking for the last few days in a rush left me breathless and I was trying so hard not to start shaking again. I’d been so good all day.

Ransom drew me into the living room and sat down with me, our knees touching as he took my hands. “Look at me.”

I stared at our joined hands.


I pressed my lips together against the tremors that wanted to take over, and I made myself look at him. He instantly began to calm me, just by being there. Steady and strong.

“Hear me when I tell you this wasn’t your fault.”