Page 145 of Bodyguard By Night

Internally, I winced.Go, genius. Talk about his missing sister after he was just amazing with your shitstorm of tears.“Sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s fine. My sister Marigold isn’t lost or anything. She just wants to live her life on her own terms. Maple and I usually get a postcard once a year letting us know she’s all right. I finally stopped searching for her to make her come home. I keep hoping she’ll want to someday.”

“What happened? I know some of the specifics, but it seems bigger than a breakup.”

“You could say that.” He opened the door, and he let me pass under his arm.

“Is that all I’m gonna get?”

He laughed. “Sit that gorgeous ass down and let’s work.”

“Does that mean no story?”

He pulled out a chair for me. As I sat down, he brushed his lips against my ear. “If you’re good.”

I didn’t really want to be good. And I was supposed to be mad at him, dammit. “Oh, wow. You guys were busy.” It looked as if half the dark brown bottles we needed to label were lined up on one end of the long table. Two chairs were set across from each other at the center with a pair of water bottles. Shockingly, the water wasn’t in reusable bottles, but beggars couldn’t be choosers since we were using someone else’s space. On the other side of us, we had space for the completed bottles.

He went around the table and sat down. “Hopefully, we’ll only be here half the night instead of all night.”

I set my bag down at my side and slid out the folder containing the stickers “Guess we have hours for you to tell me a story.”

“My family history is not that interesting.”

“I beg to differ.” I split the pile and passed half to him.

He rolled his eyes and pulled a bottle in front of him. “Flat or straight on?”

“Well, you’re a carpenter, right?”

“Of sorts.”

“Do you measure better—”

He stood up.

“Okay. Guess that’s your answer.” I cracked my water and took a sip. “Your back is going to hurt.”

“Not a new thing.”

And he hauled me around like I was nothing half the time. I set the bottle upright in front of me. “Too bad we didn’t have a laser leveler.”

“Now you tell me.”

“You have one?”

He nodded. “Easier for some things when I build. And I like toys.”

“Your kind of toys.”

“Says the girl who probably has eleven cameras.”

I ducked my head. “Twelve.”

He shook his head.

“What? It’s for work. And I didn’t know what I liked until I tried them out.”

“Same goes.” He looked around the room. “This isn’t going to work. Be right back.”