Well, shit. “So, the wedding stuff was marked?”
“Yeah. We had them set up in apple boxes that Hayes had decorated for the wedding. Matching the whole,” Beckett flicked his fingers, “la-di-dah kind of deal girls go wild for.”
I laughed, partially to cover the darkness bubbling in my belly. “I get it. The whole rustic glam vibe I’ve been rearranging all day.”
“What those women make us do.” He shook his head with a rueful smile. “But it’s good to see Rachel so happy. She was not in a good way when she came to us last year.”
I jammed my hands in my pockets. I remembered the near-frail woman I’d met when Clay had dragged me to Turnbull in November. The Rachel I knew now seemed miles away from that woman.
“We had a few extra crates made, so we’ll still have them for the favors table. The rest we just sprayed a matte black.” He toed the pile to show which ones since there were various sizes stacked against the wall.
“Good thing, since we need twelve cases.”
“That’s my cousin. Ever the overachiever. We’d bottled extra to use at the open bar and for when we open the season on Memorial Day. We’ll get more in production, but that dolly is full of unlabeled bottles for you guys.”
I blew out a breath. “When you see twelve dozen in real life…”
“I’d send people over to help, but you guys seem to want to keep this quiet.”
“I do. If it’s this asshole that’s bugging Chaos, I’d rather not let him know upset we are. He seems to get off on getting her riled up.”
“I have blades to keep Storm’s hooves clean. Could chop off an appendage if need be.”
The deadpan delivery loosened a full laugh I didn’t realize I was still capable of right now. “I’ll take that under advisement.”
“If you change your mind, Laverne will send a squad of people down here to help with the sticker madness.”
“We’ll manage.”
“There are frozen pizzas in the back if you guys get hungry. The convection oven is still operational.”
“Thanks.” I hadn’t even thought about food.
“Help me pull out a table and chairs for you, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Thanks, Beck. I appreciate the help.”
“Anything for family, man.”
I swallowed hard. My family seemed to be growing by the day. As did the need to keep them safe—if I could figure out what direction the damn threat was coming from.