“Then I had a local woman make up a batch of soaps for those who like that instead.”
“You’re so damn thoughtful, Rach.” I hugged her. “And you know I’ll be filming stuff to put up after the wedding.”
“Wouldn’t be you without it.”
I laughed and stepped back. “So, let’s set up everything we can.”
“I’m so glad you came back early. I’ve really missed you.”
My eyes stung and I fought back the sudden need to bury my face in my sister’s neck. “I really missed you too. And the orchard. I’m surprised how much I missed the orchard actually.”
“Well, you haven’t been here since you got home.”
“Yeah, getting all my stuff out of my old apartment has been a lot.”
“I still can’t believe Ransom volunteered. Then again, I’m shocked he’s here too. He’s not exactly the joining and volunteering type. We usually have to corner him.”
“Believe me, he hasn’t been happy about it.” I took the back off of the picture frame to give myself something to do.
“And yet you’re staying with him?”
“Not like we’re making midnight margaritas and watching movies.”
She laced her fingers under her chin. “I want to make midnight margaritas and watch movies. Can we do that?”
“Sure.” Not certain how I’d get Ransom to allow that. Moreover, should I even come over to their house?Ugh.I hated overthinking every move I made and wondering if it would end in something awful. It wasn’t as if this stalker dude trulydidanything.
Maybe we were all overreacting.
I heard voices and turned to see Clay had come in. He went right to Ransom and they went into a huddle about something. Rachel frowned and kept glancing over at them.
Clay looked at us and gave her a bright smile.
“Oh, crap. Now what?” Rachel fiddled with the paper.
“Think something’s up?”
“Whenever their heads are together, something is up.”
“Maybe they’re talking about the bachelor party deal. You know, we have yours this weekend too.”
“I know. I don’t want to really do anything wild.”
“Oh, come on. I already got Jason Mamoa set to strip for you.”
Rachel tipped her head back with a huge laugh. “Now I wouldn’t say no to that. Pole and all?”
“I mean, why wouldn’t I do it up?”
She slipped her arm through mine and dragged me toward the boys. “Oh, if it were only true. Maybe he’d take me away on his motorcycle.”
Clay’s head whipped around. “Who is stealing you away on a motorcycle?”
Rachel crossed to them and patted his chest. “Just a fantasy.”
“I can get a motorcycle.”
“Dear God, no.” Ransom rocked back on his heels. “Disaster. Remember when you and Reid used to take the dirt bikes into the back of Ace?”