Page 125 of Bodyguard By Night

“Now you’re talking to me?”

“What’s under your seat?”

“Exactly what you think it is.” I hopped out and shut my door, engaging the locks.

She hurried around the front of the truck. “Why do you have it at the orchard?”

I turned her toward the lodge with a hand along her lower back. “After a drone popped out of one of the damn boxes here, I’m not taking chances. Let’s not discuss this around people, huh?”

“Did you lock it away?”

“It’s secure.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I’m not carrying it, all right? I just want it as a backup.” I drew her closer to me, happy she was at least allowing that now. “I told you I’d keep you safe.”

She didn’t answer, just secured her bag tighter against herself.

I didn’t like scaring her, but until I knew more about this guy, I’d rather be overcautious. She’d just have to get used to that.

Laverne peeked her head out of the bakery doors. “Do you guys want something to eat? Rachel’s in the cafe.”

I smiled at Laverne. “Sure. I could use some coffee.”

She waved us forward, her smile widening when she saw how close we were. “We’ll fix you right up. Rachel’s taken over the big table in back near the windows.”

“Great.”Notgreat. Fuck. Of course, she had to be in front of the largest damn window in the place.

“Aunt Laverne, did I get any other packages?”

Her aunt tucked a wispy white lock of hair around her ear, tipping her head curiously. “Not today, sweetie. Were you expecting something?”

“No. Not at all. Just trying to get my mail situation under control.” Chaos moved away from me to give her aunt a hug.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I couldn’t glue her to my side, but the fact that there was about twenty people in here made my shoulder blades itch.

I studied each of them. There was a teacher type with a handful of tiny tags looped through her fingers was counting out treats in front of the bakery cabinet, a bored teenager stabbing his cup full of ice with a straw, half a dozen moms with strollers—great cover for a weapon, especially when the bonnet was tightly closed so you couldn’t see in.

Years of being braced for the worst in humanity had left me perennially on edge for the first few months after I left the Army. Right now, it felt as if I was falling back on old habits. It remained to be seen if that was a good thing.

The old me hadn’t minded working jobs off the books for a few of my teammates. After a few rescue missions, I’d learned that I didn’t do well with hopping from adrenaline-fueled nights to restless quiet. It needed to be one or the other.

I’d tried personal security and that wasn’t for me. Finally, I’d gone to find Clay and mend fences. At least our version of mending. The only kind I liked to do.

Don’t fucking talk about it to death and hit the reset button.

I was pretty sure that would be a no-go for Chaos since she was actively ignoring me by giving me her full back. Those tight leggings were an added slap, and she knew it. My fingers fisted in my pockets.

“Love makes everyone a little crazy. It’s okay.”



“Not the time.”

She threaded her arm through mine and tugged me toward the counter. “She’ll be fine.” She patted my arm.