Page 121 of Bodyguard By Night

His sigh stirred the hair against my neck. “I’m losing you.”

My heart stuttered. That wasn’t what he meant, but it did give me some pause. How would things change when all of this was over?

More importantly, wouldwestill matter?

Right now, I was his responsibility. Add in a hint of danger, and everything became much more intense. Watching over me was a job. Sex was a handy side benefit.


“Not the name I was looking for you to say.”

I huffed out a tiny laugh. “We have to leave someday.”

He straightened, but he didn’t remove his hands from under my sweater. “Who says?” His touch gentled even more as his thumb traced the underside of my breast.

I tugged his arms away from me before he could do his best to convince me. “Get ready.”

Neatly, I slipped out of his reach. I knew he could catch me if he really wanted to.

Fire replaced the sweetness and the sadness in his storm cloud gaze. Part of me wanted to run to see what he’d do.

Would he chase me, or would he let me go?

Which one did I want?

I walked backwards out of the room. He fisted his hands at his sides, but he stayed put. The spring sunlight gilded his dark hair, turning him into a handsome warrior full of battle scars.

His chest heaved as he watched me go. The predator to the prey.

My nipples beaded under my clothes, making me want to reach up and give myself some relief. But I just turned and ran down the stairs.

He didn’t come after me.

I heard the shower go on as I neared the bottom of the stairs. The kitchen was neat as a pin. My camera was on top of my repacked bag.

As if the bit of wildness between us here had never even happened.

With a sigh, I checked the camera. Had he reviewed the footage and erased it? Maybe I’d do the same.

How much had I gotten of us before I turned off the recording?

I rewound and his gravelly laughter filled the frame. He hadn’t looked into the camera once.

His gaze stayed solely on me.

My heartbeat roared in my ears as I rewound it again to watch him hold out the spoon for me to taste the sorbet first.

“Nope. Not going to think about that anymore.”

I scrubbed back to the earlier footage of me making the sorbet without a machine. There was a new gadget on the scene. The company had reached out to me already, but I’d wanted to give it a go on my own before making people spend hundreds of dollars.

I’d need to use my laptop to edit the video and parse it down to the three-minute threshold for videos on the apps I used.

“Just do it.”

I clipped out the piece with Ransom. Did I really want to fuel any more reactions by showing off the new man in my life?

I used the quick and dirty video editor on my phone and posted it.