Page 60 of Bodyguard By Night

She glanced past me to Ransom. “How about you, handsome? Want me to beef up your tech?”

“Clay’s toys suffice.”

Poe blew out raspberries. “Winslow’s stuff is child’s play compared to my gear.”

Ransom gave her one of his rare smiles. “I’ll let him know.”

“You do that.” She spun around to her keyboard and tapped something. “He tried to steal me away from Aidan last winter. He still can’t afford me.”

Ransom pressed his lips together, but he didn’t comment.

I stepped up to Poe’s setup. “Is any of that about me?”

She closed a few windows and expanded a few more. “I found this while I was running diagnostics on your laptop. I expanded your RAM while I was in there. Should make your video editing easier.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

“No problem. I’ve got parts all over the place. Marcus is always breaking his laptops. I just steal the memory chips out of them.”

I laughed. “Box of scraps.”

“Box of scraps!” she parroted back in a deep, annoyed voice. “Iron Manis the best.”

“Rich RDJ, yes, please.”

“Right?” She grinned up at me. “I knew I liked you.”

“Back to the part where you found something?” Ransom asked flatly.

“Right.” Her fingers flew over the keys. “I was able to dive deeper on one of the names who requested a workup on you.”

I shivered.

“Poe,” Ransom said in warning.

“Sorry. I’m in work mode. I don’t usually let anyone in here except Aidan. Anyway, this dude or chick was actually online while I was checking. I chased them around for a bit, but he or she must’ve gotten spooked.”

Her fingers got louder on her keyboard. I could just imagine she didn’t like that anyone was better than her. It had to be rare. She seemed spookily efficient at what she did.

“I’ll find him. Or her. Or it.” She turned back to us. “Until I do, just do what you usually do.”

I licked my suddenly dry lips. “Do you think he knows I’m onto him—them?Whatever.”

“Not sure. Might get him off that we are, to be honest. Regardless, we’ll figure it out. I’m on it now.”

I hooked my thumb along the strap of my messenger bag. “Thanks for helping me.”

“I have a vested interest. I want you to keep making videos. Hey, think you could do some snack stuff? I’m not much for huge meals. But I like fun foods that fuel me up.”

“Hmm.” I turned to Ransom. “Can I have my phone back?”

He sighed and handed it back to me.

I opened my notes app and jotted down a few thoughts. It would be a good series. Lots of people ate at weird times these days.

Ransom rolled his eyes and slid his fingers around my arm. “All right, let’s get moving. You can brainstorm in the truck.”

“Right.” I glanced at Poe, still occupied with the ideas lighting up my brain. “Thanks.”