“Just a little panic attack. He was helping me.”
“I bet he was.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed Ransom forward. “C’mon. I didn’t get any food, dammit.”
“We’ll stop somewhere on the way to your apartment.”
And we’d be discussing exactly what he and Aidan had been talking about in their little huddle.
Poe and Ransom discussed tech things I didn’t understand. Something about a sweeper that would check for unknown signals on the farm.
Not even the farm was safe from this…whatever it was. I didn’t even know if it was ahe.The names seemed to be dead-ends from what I could gather.
Why would anyone build a network like this? To watch people? I understood if someone wanted to watch Harry Styles, but me? I wasn’t even a blip on the radar of life, no matter what Ransom said.
Then again, fixations didn’t have to be famous—I’d learned that lesson far too well.
What was it about me that made people go way off the deep end? That was what I didn’t understand.
As the doors opened, I realized Poe had brought us to a different floor. There seemed to be an extra hum to the entire space. A massive locked room took up most of the floor.
“That’s our resident geek’s lab.”
“You’re not the geek?” I asked as I hustled to keep up with them.
“Nope. I’m the mastermind.” She flashed a smile over her shoulder as she unlocked a door that didn’t really fit the vibe of the building.
The room was so her, it didn’t need a name placard on the door. Even the door had a goth flavor to it, with a heavy doorknob that didn’t match the rest of the hardware I’d seen. And she literally used a massive skeleton key to open it along with a keypad and retina scan.
Holy shit.
Inside, it was all dark colors and retro-styled furniture with a skinny fridge tucked in the corner. Her computer station was gigantic, with three screens as large as televisions. Keyboards—plural—were scattered around the table. Some television show was playing on an iPad on a stand.
Was thatSupernatural? Yep. Hello, Dean Winchester.
“Okay, I have your laptop all set. I set you up on a different server than the regular iCloud. So, it’ll be encrypted and I have decent firewalls set up. If anything or anyone tries to hack in, I’ll get an alert.”
“We don’t mess around with cybersecurity.”
“Do I have to do anything special?”
“Nope.” She handed me my messenger bag. “Just work as usual.”
“And you can see everything?”
“I won’t go looking.” Poe dropped into her chair and spun around.
The chair was black with hot pink racing stripes. I was nearly certain it was custom-made for her body. I really needed to ask her who had outfitted her space.
“Sexy selfies can be put into a shielded folder if you’re worried about it.”
I flushed. “I think we’re good. I was thinking more along the lines of my stupid outtake videos.”
“Sure you were.”