Page 37 of Bodyguard By Night

“You don’t use the same password everywhere, do you?”

I glanced at him. “No. Too easy to get hacked and cloned that way. I have a password app that changes my passwords every two weeks.”

He grunted.


“Smart. But Aidan will probably have you use his software. The Apple version doesn’t have his level of encryption.”

“I’m not a spy.”

“Personal information is floating around out there at an alarming rate. And there are far too many people who get too attached to public figures.”

I slipped off my shoes and pulled my feet under me. “I understand that, but I’m still pretty much a nobody in the grand scheme.”

He plucked my phone out of my hand, his blunt fingers swiping through the bevy of apps I had on my phone. I instantly wanted to snatch it back.

Privacy, hello?

He made a few noises as he opened and closed applications. Then he met my gaze. “Nobody? Three of these apps show you have well over eight million followers.” His eyes narrowed. “Each.”

I laced my fingers together to stop myself from yanking my phone back. “Yeah, well check out a Kardashian and then get back to me.”

“That’s something different. And they have a security detail to cover any issues they have. Crazy is a Tuesday for famous people. That’s why Aidan has so many clients.”

I pressed my lips together.

“Look, even if this amounts to nothing, it’s good to start worrying about privacy when it comes to your company. That starts with me looking through your posts and sussing out how much info is out there.”

“I’m not stupid.”

“No one said you were. To be honest, you’re more careful than I was expecting.”

I leaned into the couch cushion, surprised that it was so comfortable. It was on the tip of my tongue to talk to him about Jason.

He was the reason I had always been more private than the average person online. But this wasn’t Jason Grafton’s type of stalking. Besides, he’d lost interest in me a damn long time ago.

Even if I never could quite forget about him.

“This is everything?”


He searched my face. Those shrewd eyes reminded me of Aunt Laverne in the middle of an interrogation. She had nothing on Ransom.

“Well, except the screen names I have on my watch list. Do you want those?”

“No. I’d rather figure them out for myself.”

Nerves bounced around with my exceptional meal, making me feel nauseated.

“Don’t delete anything either. Leave all your posts as they are, including the comments section.”

“Sure you don’t read minds?”

“Definitely. If I got in yours, I’d probably run screaming.”
