Page 36 of Bodyguard By Night

Then I’d get out of his hair and we could go back to growling at one another. And maybe I’d have some fantasy fodder. His chest really was a masterpiece.

Me: Hey, you’re the one who made us have to work together being the MOH and BM.

Rach: That’s true. Hint?

Me: Nope. I’ll be home soon though.

Rach: Can I look in the box?

Me: What did I say?

Rach: Lame.

Me: Your shower is coming up. Tons of things to open.

Rach: That’s true. Okay. See you in a bit.

Me: K.

That wasn’t so bad. Distracting her with presents was definitely going to be my go-to.

“Okay, let me just get some details.”

I turned at his voice, and thankfully, he had on a shirt this time. I ignored the disappointment at the hoodie. The little vee things at the top of his low slung sweatpants would be missed most of all.

He held a slim laptop, nodding at the living room with the fireplace.

I followed him in and sat next to him on the couch.

“All your log-ins.”

“All?” My…well,everythinglurched.


I pulled out my phone. “It’s a lot.”

“Aidan will need them all. Even personal ones.”

I tapped the side of my phone. Everything seemed very invasive. I wasn’t the one who had done anything wrong.

“I can’t help you if you hold out on me.”

“Are you a mind reader or something?”

“Your tells are like neon arrows, Chaos.”

I blew out a breath. I did have a separate account that I used to follow other influencers that I didn’t want to show up on my list of people I followed. It wasn’t sneaky exactly.

Okay, maybe a little bit.

I pulled his laptop over to me and started typing away.

He watched me silently. Probably judging the fact that I had so many damn social media accounts. I did exceptionally well on two of them, but I never knew when things would change.

Apps went in and out of vogue in the space of a heartbeat.

I skimmed through my passwords app to make sure I had them all.