Page 31 of Bodyguard By Night

“This can’t be happening.” She put her face in her hands.

“It’s a wide definition, but people can get fixated on famous people. You’re in their phone all the time, right?”

Her brain was working overtime. The fear and instinct were battling it out. I fucking hated it. I saw it with women far too often.

“Look, I have two sisters.”

Her eyes went wide. “You do?”

“I do have a family.”

“The lone wolf thing is strong with you, sir.”

And I didn’t mind cultivating that fact. People were goddamn exhausting. “Guys are creeps and women should lean into their instinct instead of being nice.”

“Do I look like I care about being nice?”


Disgruntled, she dropped her arms. “Fine. I can’t be too much of an asshole because I want people to like me, dammit. You know, so they’ll watch my content and then I can make a damn living.”

“Is that how it works? Views equals money?”

“Pretty much. Viral videos make more money of course. Then it leads to other opportunities.”

“I get it. I mean, I don’t get wanting to put your face on the internet, but I understand in theory.”

She rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”

While Willow fought her instincts, I’d learned to lean into mine. “But I know you aren’t telling me something.”

She nibbled her lower lip. “It’s not like I have proof.”

“Proof is for cops, but if you’re here looking for some help, then give me what you’ve got.”

“I can give you a few usernames that have creeped me out.”

“It’s a start. I have some contacts from working in Manhattan and D.C.. And my own family has some helpful people I can ask.” After my sister disappeared all those years ago, I’d lost count of the number of private investigators I’d gone through in order to find her.

While Marigold was frustratingly adept at staying missing, I’d discovered a few of the companies were actually good at their job, Roth Defense being one of them.

I pulled out my phone. It would probably be a dead end. Most companies wouldn’t share information easily. “Which company were the gifts from?”

“RID Inc.. I’ve been dying to work with them. They don’t do much in the way of collaborations. Not that they need to.”

My ears buzzed. Un-fucking-believable.

That wasmygoddamn company.