“Not sure your lip gloss matches your bridesmaid’s dress?”
“You know, you’re a real dick. Like I’d come to you for that kind of problem.”
“Best man gets the shit duty usually.”
“Since when were you a best man before?”
I gritted my teeth and did not answer. Only one other time and that had ended in disaster. For so many people.
“You’re very unhelpful.”
“Then why are you here?”
She swirled the wine. “Look, I wouldn’t be here unless I had to be.”
My eyes narrowed as I took in her posture. She was trying to play it cool, but there was a lot of nervous energy vibrating around her slim shoulders. She tapped her foot, swaying from one hip to the other as if she wasn’t sure where to put herself.
The woman from the bar had been more of a ball-buster. Comfortable in her own skin and her appeal. Now not so much.
If my head hadn’t been in my ass, I’d have picked up on it. Damn town was sucking the instincts out of me.
I folded my arms. “All right. I’m listening.”
“I don’t want to worry Rachel.”
I waited for her to continue. Patience used to be my finest feature. I fisted my hand under my arm as the seconds turned into a minute. This could be a sister thing, but I wasn’t the guy she’d go to if it was something simple.
That was Laverne’s station. She was the one who dealt with the sibling crap and the maze of chick emotions that was so far beyond me, it might as well be Saturn.
“Okay, why didn’t you go to your aunt?”
“I don’t want to worryanyone.” Her voice was tight, exasperation warring with whatever was going on in that beautiful head of hers.
“Is this a guy thing?”
When her body language changed, I knew I was on the right path.
“No. Well, I don’t know.”
I frowned. “You don’t know?”
She set the glass down and scraped her fingers through her hair. “I’m getting ahead of myself. But it happened twice, so I’m freaking out here.”
“You’re not making sense.”
She stalked back and forth in the narrow space between my kitchen island and counter. “It’s because I can’t believe it. Who would do this? How would they do this? Why—”
I stepped in front of her, but instead of making her slow down, she crashed into me. I grabbed her upper arms. Fucking mistake. Her lemon scent made my head buzz. I wasn’t expecting it. The sharpness of the lemons, the softness of her dress, and her wide wild eyes staring at me were a punch. I had an irrational urge to put my face into all those curls.
Fucking get a grip, man.
“I get it. You’re freaked. I can’t help you until you give me some information here.”
Looking at me mutinously, she didn’t say a damn thing.
Dammit. Why the hell did I have to deal with this shit? “If you’re not going to tell me, then scram.”