Page 176 of Bodyguard By Night


Shop ’Til You I Drop

I pinched the bridge of my nose as we headed into the fourth shop on Main Street. Luckily, foot traffic was fairly light since it was early in the workday for most normal people.

At least there was coffee.

“Ransom needs to stop at To Dye For. He needs to cut down on the poof action. I didn’t know you had so many curls, sir.” She ruffled my hair.

I frowned down at her. “I’m not getting my hair cut at a place named that.”

“Oh, they’re really good. I’ve been going to Paisley, and she makes my hair so soft.” Rachel tugged on the end of her ponytail. “Not that it makes much difference since I always have it up for work.”

“Me too.”

“Shut up.”

I rolled my eyes. “As long as they can hack off some of this, we’re cool.” I fisted my hands in the top of my hair. The boyish curls had been fun when I was trying to get ladies in my twenties.

Now? I felt ridiculous.

We were in some bookstore with art supplies and many small breakable things. This was not how I’d thought my day was gonna go. Flowers were bad enough.

I bit back a sigh when Willow crouched in front of a bookcase. This would probably be another thirty minutes I couldn’t get back.

I’d probably be lucky if it was thirty.

A woman came around the corner with a stroller and hit her in the back of the foot. Instead of being perturbed, Chaos twisted around and grinned into the stroller. “Well, hello there.”

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” The woman with similar curls in a sunnier hue reached out to save a book tipping off the shelf and righted it. “This stroller is amazing on the sidewalk. Not so great in a store.”

“It’s okay.” Willow reached into the stroller. “Oh, is it okay?”

The harried mother smiled. “Go for it. Maybe she’ll be happier with you than me.”

“What’s your name, sweet thing?”

“Vivvie. Well, Vivian, but we call her Vivvie when she’s being adorable.” The woman pushed the bonnet back on the stroller.

“Oh, she’s so beautiful.” The little girl had a cap of curls with a bit more red than her mother.

My breath seized in my chest as Willow let the little girl curl her tiny fingers around her forefinger. I’d never even thought having kids would be in my future and right there—shit.

Willow glanced back at me and the smile on her face knocked me back a step.

“Did you just see your future flash before your eyes?” Rachel asked behind me.

I glanced down at her, but I couldn’t get words to come out of my dry throat.

She patted my chest. “Yeah. You’re adorable. I won’t mind having you for a brother-in-law.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you guys are together and getting married. Not that I should be surprised, Wil never does the expected.”

“I definitely didn’t expect her.”

“Kinda her superpower.” She nudged me. “She is really cute with a baby, though.”

I still couldn’t talk about that one.

“Hey, Wil. I’m ready to check out,” Rachel called out.