Page 172 of Bodyguard By Night

“Chaos meet Veronica.”

“Veronica?” I laughed. “Well, she’s gorgeous.”

“She’s got a helluva engine. But there’s no computer in this car, so we should be safe.” He went around to the passenger side and opened it for me. The inside was black leather with a white stripe. “After you.”

I slid inside and the leather was butter-soft under my legs. The only thing that told me the car had been under wraps was the stale air. As usual, the vehicle was as neat as a pin. Ransom closed my door and went around to the driver’s side. He tucked the gun under the seat much as he did in the truck, but there was no little chirp from a thumbprint lock.

That just made everything more real.

“The safety’s on.”

“I know.”

He leaned across the bench seat and kissed me soundly. “It’s just a precaution. I’m sure I won’t need it, but I’d rather have something than nothing.”

“Right. Smart.”

He flipped the visor down and a keyring dropped into his hand. “To Rachel we go.”

“Are my things going to fit in this trunk?”

“You can fit two bodies in that trunk. We should be able to get most of your clothes and stuff. The rest we’ll get after the wedding.”

“Two bodies? There’s a visual.”

He laughed and turned the ignition. The engine literally growled in response. “There’s a girl.” He patted the dash. “Miss me?”

“You’re adorable.”

“Gotta treat my girls right.” He pulled the shifter down into Drive.

I wasn’t sure I’d ever been in a car that actually had one near the steering wheel. I’d definitely never seen such a big grin on Ransom’s face.

Men. They were stupidly cute, at least when you didn’t want to maim them with your bare hands.

It was a beautiful spring day and we rolled down the windows on the way to Rachel’s.

When we pulled up Clay’s driveway, Rach was waiting on the porch. She pushed her sunglasses up onto her head and smiled as she skipped down the stairs to meet us.


I climbed out and grinned at my sister. “Ransom has some fun toys.”

“I’ll say.” She ran over to me, and I gave her a hug.

I held on a minute too long and the prick of tears surprised me. “What happened to the truck?”

“Only leather seats for your ass, Rach.”

“Such a shit.” She peeked inside. “How the heck do I get in there?”

“Good question.” It was a bench seat. How the heck were we supposed to… Oh, there was a lever.

Ransom grunted as the whole bench seat bent forward.


He growled as I stuffed my sister into the back and followed her, clicking the seat back into place. Dammit, now I couldn’t close the door.