“Didn’t know you had a voyeuristic streak, Chaos.”
“Me neither.” She pressed a kiss to my chest then licked me lightly.
“You looking for round two?”
She skimmed her fingers down the middle of my belly to the trail of hair that led to my currently dead cock. “Maybe I just like touching you.” She retraced the tip of her nail over each ridge of muscle.
I flexed because I knew it would make her laugh.
“How on earth do you get these? Like five million sit-ups?”
She propped herself up on her forearm. “Oh, those things I saw in the corner of your living room? I wondered what they were.”
I shifted to get comfortable. When Chaos wanted to talk, there wasn’t much use trying to deny her. “My last tour, I ended up in the hospital.”
“Yeah. Afterward, I needed physical therapy. The rings helped me with my upper body strength. Added bonus is a lot of core muscle work.”
“I’ll say.” She used her two fingers to walk her way up my stomach to my chain. “I feel like there’s still stuff you haven’t told me.”
“Have you told me everything?”
She shrugged. “Aidan opened up my past as if he was a can opener and tossed it up on a video screen.”
“We all have stuff we keep close.”
She drew a circle around the coin on my necklace. “Jason really fucked me up for a long time. Took me a good three years to even go on a date with a guy, let alone get naked with one.”
“I prefer not to think about you naked with anyone else, thanks.”
She leaned in and kissed my nose. “Ditto. And I’m sure there were a few.”
I reached above me to drag a pillow under my head. “Not as many as you’d think. I was on a Blackhawk more than I was on land for a lot of years.”
She laced her fingers on my chest to prop up her chin. “Is that what you did? Fly helicopters?”
“Mostly.” Telling people who weren’t in the thick of things about my job was hard to explain. “We pretty much were the guys who picked up and dropped off soldiers into some pretty hairy places.”
“All the soldiers?”
I nodded. “A lot of times it was the SEALs but some others.” I couldn’t count the number of ops that had been in a very gray area for my own moral compass. “My last op was such a cluster I decided to get out. Parting gift was the bullet in my side.”
Her eyes swam and one tear slipped out. I thumbed it away. “It’s okay, Chaos.”
She sniffled a little and wrinkled her nose. “Tough guy.”
Today was definitely not the day to tell her about Jones. “Time to get going. I could stay in bed with you all day, but I’m pretty sure our to-do list makes that a negatory.”
She flopped onto her back. “Lame.”
I rolled over her, my hands on either side of her so I didn’t crush her. I gave her a quick, hard kiss before hopping off the bed. “Shake your ass, Chaos.”
“You first.” She tossed a pillow at me, but she missed.
I turned back from the bathroom doorway. “Guess I gotta use up the hot water then.”
“You wouldn’t.”
Probably not. I heard a bark and then Chaos’s shriek.
“Midnight, no.”
I peeked around the corner and saw the massive dog sitting on Willow’s lap. I waved and shut the door behind me.
“Gee, thanks, buddy!”
Maybe I would be getting all the hot water, after all.