“He hovers like a bodyguard. At least he’s hovering around you instead of Clay these days.” She narrowed her eyes. “Which is a little weird.”
“Just because he doesn’t trust that I won’t spill the beans for your present.”
She scrunched her nose. “You’re killing me with that.” She hugged the planter to her and grabbed a frame from another box. “Let’s go set this up.”
I glanced over my shoulder. Sure enough, there was Ransom. He’d set the books and binders down on the podium just inside the door. His arms were crossed, his coffee propped on his forearm.
I didn’t like fighting with anyone, but he was so damn hardheaded. Didn’t he understand that the longer this went on, the more my family could get mixed up in my problems?
Not everything was black and white. I wasn’t sure he understood that. Or even cared.
But today—and the next few days—wasn’t about me. They were about ensuring Rachel was happy and making her wedding the best day ever.
And if I needed a weapon, one of these planters would do. Wowsers.
A shiver chased down my spine at the memory of another weapon. I wasn’t sure why I was so shocked about Ransom having a gun, but the idea of it seemed like overkill.
We knew zero about this stalker guy. Maybe he really did just want to make money off me. Maybe I was even just a trial to him. Figure out how to do it with me, and then go for bigger fish.
Because I was seriously not important enough to warrant a freakingdrone.
I turned at my sister’s voice. “Sorry.” I grabbed another frame out of the second box and hurried after her. “What do you want Ransom to do while we work on this?” I squatted down and gently set down the planter.
She waved him over.
Ransom drank the last of his coffee and tucked his tumbler into the podium. “I’m at your disposal.”
“All those boxes.” She gave him a wide, sunny smile, the kind that got men to do anything for her. “Can you unwrap everything? I’ll tell you where to put things.”
“Roger that.”
Just like that?He never let me get away with ordering him around. I flipped the easel of the frame out and set it down a little more forcefully than I meant to.
“I can hear the pout in your voice, Wil.”
“You don’t live with Ransom Douglas.”
Rach’s lips twitched. “No, I sure don’t. Is the house silent as a tomb?”
“No. He likes music.” I shrugged. “Surprised me too.”
She pulled a heavy piece of paper out of the manila envelope on the table. It was thick and fragile at the same time with little violets pressed into the soft paper. Layered on top was a thin piece of vellum with instructions to take a name card and bag from the table.
“So, what are these favors we’re putting together? Tennis bracelets and pocket watches?”
“Shut up.” Rachel bumped me.
“You’re the one marrying a gazillionaire.”
“Well, Clay worked with the boys to make a cider for the wedding. It’s going to be on tap at the bar and there’s going to be bottles as favors.”
“Oh, that’s fancy and cool at the same time.”