Page 119 of Bodyguard By Night

“So, I’m not the only one with a camera?”

“I’m security-conscious.”

I sighed because I understood. “Sucks that your life is to that level even without my…problem.”

He kissed my forehead. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

I held onto him an extra minute. What if it wasn’t only me in the crosshairs? My decision to come here had been made in haste, and maybe I hadn’t considered the potential repercussions before. But I sure was now.

“I know. But I have to go over to the orchard. We’re checking out the chapel and the Gala room where the reception is going to be.”

“What’s to check out? You’ve known the Ronsons since birth.”

“Don’t get snarky with me. We’re setting up the decorations and the flowers will be coming in so we need to know where everything should go.”

He let out a slow hiss of breath.

“Hey, you knew what was up when you took me on.”

“I know.”

I trailed my finger down his belly to tangle with the loose strings of his sweats. “Rewards will be yours later.” I tied his sweatpants into a loopy bow.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Another hard kiss pushed me off balance with a barrage of emotions I was too wigged out to try to puzzle through. At least not while all this uncertainty surrounded us.

“Go shower and I’ll finish posting a video.” I headed into the kitchen and searched through the wreckage on the kitchen island to find my phone. I flicked it on to find the four clips ready for posting in my stories.

Ransom followed. “Are you doing that now?”

“I guess we’ll see. I have to review our footage.”

“Shower first.” He turned me toward the stairs.

“Oh, I get to climb them myself?”

“You wrung me dry, Chaos.”

I smiled at him over my shoulder. “Yeah?”

“You know you did.” He snapped the elastic at the top of my tights. “Get going.”

I started up the stairs and stopped when he didn’t come up behind me. “You’re not joining me?”

“I gotta check on some stuff. I’ll be up in a minute.”

Ahh, there was the Ransom I knew and l—whoa. Nope, that word wasn’t coming out anywhere near me.

Damn weddings messed with even the most level-headed woman’s mind. And I wasn’t exactly level-headed most days.

I ran up the stairs and tried to ignore my racing heart. I was just in lust. Not the other l-word.

Absolutely not. Not that fast.

No freaking way.

I posted the short video clips to my stories without reviewing them. I didn’t have the mental fortitude to see him grinning at me again.

By the time I got out of the shower, my notifications unfurled on my screen like a drugstore receipt full of coupons.Holy crap.I thumbed through a few, beyond overwhelmed as I towel-dried my curls.