Page 118 of Bodyguard By Night


Temporary Clash of Skin

I lifted one fist in the air. “Blue condoms for the win.”

He laughed underneath my now wrecked hair, which I couldn’t even see through. He’d literally fucked the tie loose from my hair. That was a new one. As was the double decker orgasm that had just about killed me.

“I’m not sure I can move.”

He drew his arms away, letting them flop onto the couch. “Make that two of us.”

I giggled into his neck and somehow found some strength to straighten up. I was usually energized after sex, but nothing seemed ordinary about how we came together.


The less joyous bits of our post sexual haze had us both wincing. He kissed me hard and fast before lifting me off him. Instantly, I felt like I was missing something.

Somehow he’d become the key to a lock inside me I hadn’t even known existed.

I slumped onto the couch and prayed for a magical teleporter that could put me into his shower.

“Be right back.”

Not gonna lie—it was pretty funny to watch him shuffle off to the bathroom with his sweatpants around his calves. I gave him a wolf whistle and he lifted a middle finger into the air.

Giggling, I hauled myself off the couch and found his—now mine—sweatshirt hanging off a lampshade. I’d never been the kind of woman who inspired flying clothes.

Personally, I was shocked just how fully in the moment Ransom was with me. I’d figured it would be a temporary clash of skin and wills and then he’d go off in a corner and be grumpy, not re-enact a Patrick Swayze moment in the kitchen. And I was definitely as awkward as Baby holding the watermelon.

I hadnotbeen prepared for that side of him. I was in so much freaking trouble. How was I supposed to hold out against him?

I was pulling on the sweatshirt as he came back from the bathroom.

“Damn. I was hoping to hide that.”

I flipped my hair outside the ragged neckline, then I pulled up my sagging thigh-high tights. “It’s mine, buddy.”

He slid an arm around my back. “Was more for the naked thing.”

I rested my hands on his chest. “I would prefer to stay naked all—”


Laughing, I shook my head. “Rachel.”

He tipped his head back with a huff. “Wedding stuff.”

“Wedding stuff. And I’ve been home for days and have barely spent any time with her.”

Was that because secretly, I wondered if I should have even allowed myself to come here? Maybe it would be better for my family’s sake to be the flighty sister and just disappear.

“Why don’t you have her come over here? I can hide in my workshop and still keep an eye on you.”

Was he rubbing off on me? That watchful worst case scenario mind of his had to be infecting me from our skin-to-skin contact.

I narrowed my eyes. “Just how will you do you do that?”

“Sure you want to know?”