Guarded Hearts
He did not just leave me like that.
No freaking way.
I slapped the mattress beside me. “If you try to tell me there are no condoms in that bathroom… Sir! You will be walking that fine ass to get my purse in the car!”
He stood in the bathroom doorway, the light silhouetting every delicious inch of him. And that jerk had a smile on his face. He turned the light off and tossed the box at me. “I’m always prepared, Chaos. You should know that.”
I caught it and shook it. “Should get us through tonight.”
His eyebrow arched. “Bet?”
“No way. It’s been a while. But should last us the week.” I dug inside and took one out. “C’mere.”
He put his hands on his hips. “Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
“Such a romantic.” But he sauntered toward me, his eyes glittering in the waning sun. I much preferred the teasing glint than the banked pain from earlier.
Saying nothing, he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and waited for me to make my move.
I rolled to my knees in front of him and took my time checking him out. The peaks and valleys of his chest were staggering. He was so hard everywhere, but today I’d finally figured out there was a bit of marshmallow in there.
That big heart of his was what he guarded more closely than anything in his life.
I traced the coin that laid on his chest and continued down the ridges of his pectoral muscles to the arrow of his eight-pack. Overachiever Ransom wouldn’t have a simple six pack. Oh, no.
His gaze stayed steady on my hands while I discovered just what would make this stoic man crack. He shivered as I reached the elastic of his boxes. I lifted my gaze to meet his as I drew them over his hips, letting them drop to the floor.
Nothing left between us now.
I inched forward, pressing the silky hardness of his shaft against my belly. His nostrils flared as I curled my fingers around him. Right at that moment, I was glad for my long fingers.
God, he was impressive.
My thumb drifted along the underside of his flared head.
He dragged in a hiss of a breath, but he didn’t move. He let me have the control. And I was grateful. It gave me a few minutes to learn him before I got pulled under by his intensity.
Once he got his mouth on me, I lost myself.
I reached beside me for the condom on the bed. His eyes went shark-flat as I released him, but he didn’t inch back to give me any space.
Tension practically emanated from his pores. His muscles locked and his jaw was so close to granite, I’d bet his molars were dust.
But he waited. He didn’t rush me.
Slowly, I rolled the condom over him, watching his face the entire time. The last rays of sun left turned his cheekbones golden and gilded all the hard lines of him, making him just a bit softer.
I slipped my hands behind his neck to draw him close. He didn’t shut his eyes as I nibbled at the corner of his mouth. “I’m so ready for this.”
“Good thing one of us is.” He looped his arm around me before he dragged me out diagonally on his lake-sized bed. Then he shifted over me, bracing his arm beside my head.
I touched his lip. “I figured we’d be on the stairs, barely able to resist one another.”