Page 106 of Bodyguard By Night

Dammit, I could not deal with her tears. Not now. I shifted back and tugged on the coiled curl of Rachel’s ponytail. “It’s not you, Rach. I promise.”

Clay moved to her side, his hand on her shoulder. “We have to talk about this someday.”

“Not today.”

I should have shaken off Chaos’s supportive grip, but I so rarely had someone to hold on to.

She hadn’t bothered to bring in anything other than the food and I was more than grateful to make a hasty exit. The minute the door closed behind us, I dragged Chaos in for a hard kiss.

She tried to gentle me, her long fingers cupping my face with compassion in both her touch and in those golden eyes of hers.

“Maybe you should stay,” I said softly, hoping like hell she didn’t listen to me.

“I’m with you.”

“It’s not a good idea.” All the ragged edges I was usually good at keeping tucked away were exposed like knives right now. What if I cut her?

She pulled one of my arms around her back then looped her arms around my neck. “I’m the queen of bad ideas, remember?”

“This isn’t a game.” But my fingers dug into her jeans, holding her tighter. Evidently, I was a bastard enough to keep her. I couldn’t protect her from the asshole who was stalking her and I sure as fuck couldn’t protect her from me.

“No, Ransom. We aren’t a game. But I’m not letting you go home alone like this.”

“And what exactly are you going to do?”

She went onto her toes and closed her mouth over mine. The slide of her tongue was aggressive and rough enough to activate all the frustrations living inside me. I gripped the back of her head and slanted my lips across hers for more.

Deeper, harder. I wasn’t going to be happy until her taste replaced all my anger and pain.

I groaned as her hand slid down to cup my dick. “Chaos,” I said against her mouth. “You sure you want to go down this road?”

She nipped my lower lip. “What road haveyoubeen on? We’ve been heading to your king-sized bed for days.”

I gripped her ass. “Wanting you is obvious. The bigger question is if this is a good idea.”

“I don’t hear a question in your voice. Because you know you want this too.” She increased the tension around my cock. “I definitely want this.”

I pressed my forehead to hers. “You deserve anyone but me. But fuck if I care right now.” I stepped away from her, clasping her hand before I stalked down the steps.

For God’s sake, we were probably on Rachel’s and Clay’s security cameras. That was a problem for another day.

I stalked to my Jeep and opened the passenger door. Crowding her into the space between me and the seat, I buried my face in her lemon-scented neck. Her hair smelled clean and expensive, but lemons lived in my head when it came to her.

Hell, they were waiting for me in dreams.

“Put your seatbelt on, Chaos. I’m going to be driving like I’m trying out forThe Fast and the Furious.”

She climbed up into the vehicle, making sure to drag her hip along my aching cock. “Just call me Letty.”

I slammed the door with a wide smile. Leave it to Chaos to pick the biggest risktaker in that series of movies. I pulled out of the drive and skidded on the gravel as we sped down the winding road.

The sun was coasting along the edges of the trees. I chased sunset to my house. It was a mere five miles away, but it felt like a million.

Her smile was as wild as a summer breeze as she held onto the oh-shit handle. She kept shifting in her seat as if she couldn’t stand the wait either.

“You’re killing me.”

She aimed that fierce smile at me. “Probably bad form to reach into these jeans and take the edge off, right?”