My eyes drifted from his down to Natalia, whose gaze burned with anger. But for once, it wasn’t directed at me. She had every right to feel enraged. I was, too, for her. In moments like these, stripped down, she was a young girl again, who I’d silently protected from the wings. I saw the headstrong, smart woman she had become but which had been blunted by Costa, Diego, and a sheltered life in the cartel. I saw Bianca in her, as well as a woman I didn’t deserve, but one I hadn’t hesitated to take. And now that she was my wife, and I had decided I could—and would—keep her, I saw our future.

Costa leaned back on his heels, looking between us. “I see,” he said, even though I hadn’t responded.

“Diego promised he’d get her to marry me of her own free will, and she did, Costa. I didn’t kidnap her. I gave her a choice—she made it.”

Natalia’s shoulders fell. Either she was still processing the depth of Diego’s betrayal or she was realizing that this deal was done, and Costa wouldn’t save her.

I was torn. As I willed her to get back up and fight for what she wanted—always, no matter what—I also hoped this was one battle where she’d stand down. I would make her a good husband. And in order to get Costa on my side, I was willing to use all the tools I had to convince him of it. Without his blessing, I’d be forced to choose between the wants of a man I deeply respected and my own.

Costa had always known me to be a good man, even when I’d stood accused of murdering Bianca. If he’d ever truly believed I’d done it, I’d be rotting six feet under right now.

“Natalia knows she’s free to walk away at any time,” I said. “But if she does, I’ll have no more stake in this fight. I’ll be forced to walk away too. I won’t send anyone after you, but I can’t promise they’ll stay away.” I glanced at Natalia. “As I’ve told your daughter, my protection extends to your family as long as it’s mine. And that will remain true when threats like the Maldonados or Diego are nothing but an afterthought.”

“And if we refuse?” Costa asked.

I flicked my lighter open and closed, darting my eyes between the two of them. “If I hadn’t stepped in, Diego would’ve pulled off his deal with the Maldonados and made another, building his fortune. Knowing your objections, he would’ve convinced Natalia to marry him in secret by promising her the world—or in this case, promising to get her out of this world.”

She took her bottom lip between her teeth, and I had to look away so I wouldn’t be tempted to take her sexy, plump lip between my teeth.

“Once he’d secured her hand,” I continued, trying to gauge Costa’s reaction, “and her undying love and loyalty, he would’ve gone to you with an ultimatum.” I paused, then returned my gaze to my wife. “If you didn’t hand over the cartel, he would turn Natalia against you.”

“I wouldn’t have betrayed my father like that,” she said. “And I wouldn’t stay here and run the cartel with Diego.”

“You would’ve protested . . . at first,” I said, nodding. “But he works a long game, Natalia. And the proof stands before me.” I tilted my head. “You agreed to give up your life in California. To marry Diego behind Costa’s back. In time, there’s nothing you wouldn’t have done for my brother.”

She shook her head. “That’s not true.”

I squinted at her with one final drag. “Once you were willing to do anything Diego asked of you, then Costa would have to do anything Diego asked of him.”

“You make it sound like I’m just a pawn,” she said. “I have a mind of my own.”

“Just imagine if he’d gotten you pregnant.”

She snapped her mouth shut.

“The leverage he would’ve had over you . . .” I inhaled a deep breath through my nostrils, more agitated at the idea than I would’ve thought possible.

And that motherfucker had come close.

Thank fuck for condoms and Natalia’s good sense enough to use one—but she’d better believe I’d be inquiring after her period starting now.

Costa squeezed her shoulders with a dark chuckle. “Fortunately, that’s not possible for a virgin.”

“She’s not a virgin,” I said.

Natalia’s mouth dropped open. “You asshole.”

Costa flexed his fist as a much greater tide of anger rose in him than in her. I’d known Costa a long time and it had once been my job to read his moods, understand the things he didn’t say, and anticipate his needs. He had a temper.

He cast her side and marched at me. “Tell me how the fuck you consummate a marriage with a bride who wants nothing to do with you.”