I turned to him in confusion. “I saw you last night in the foyer.”

“Oh. Really? Huh. Well, it’s good to have you back. My cousin hasn’t been himself lately.”

“How so?” I asked, shooting a smirk at Carter.

Kev rolled his eyes. “He’s all, ‘Riggs says,’ and, ‘If Riggs was here,’ and, ‘I want Riggs to fuck me over the kitchen count—’”

Carter cut him off. “What? No, I didn’t!”

Kev dissolved into a fit of laughter and pointed at Carter. “You should see your face right now.”

Carter reached over and flicked Kev on the shoulder with his finger. “Ass.”

“That sounds surprisingly like what you called out for in your dreams last week,” Kev teased, dodging Carter’s attempt at another flick.

They reminded me of my brothers, and I realized how nice it was to have family nearby. I was happy Carter had this, had someone who obviously loved him and enjoyed his company.

I helped myself to some coffee while Carter turned back to the stove. A carton of eggs and various other omelet supplies littered the counter nearby.

“I told the guys I’d meet them for a beer tonight. Will you come with me?” I wanted Carter to get to know my friends, to be a part of my life completely.

His face brightened in a grin. “Really? I’d love to. You sure you won’t be embarrassed by your rich boyfriend?”

“You’re rich?” I asked, feigning shock with a palm to my heart and a gasp.

Carter looked around at the giant, commercial gas stove, the huge glass-front pair of fridges, the two high-end dishwashers, the intricately carved wooden frame around the built-in china cupboard, and the french doors looking out over a slate patio leading to a large infinity pool. “I mean… it’s not much, but it’s home,” he said.

“I’ve always wanted a sugar daddy,” I teased.

“Call me daddy one time and see how that goes for you,” he warned with the hint of a smile.

“Yes, Daddy,” I said breathlessly. “Whatever you say, Daddy.”

“Why did I ever think you were attractive?” he groaned.

“Buy me a pony, Daddy?”

Kev muttered something about ensorcelled ponies being on sale right now in the Cloudlance territory of Bork. I ignored him and stared at the man who’d just called himself my boyfriend. I liked the sound of that.

“You hungry?” Carter asked me, suddenly blushing under my hot stare.

“Starving,” Kev said, focusing on his game again. “Feel like I haven’t eaten in years. Mrs. Clayborn makes the best pancakes. You shouldn’t have sent her away.”

Carter sighed and went back to the green pepper he was chopping on a cutting board. “I sent her to her daughter’s wedding in Gatlinburg. She’ll be back on Tuesday.”

“Oh. Well, she could have at least precooked us some pancakes before she left…”

Carter glanced over at me a little guiltily. “The housekeeper. I had to keep her on because this house has at least ten thousand bedrooms, and I don’t even know how to work half of these appliances.”

“You’re going to keep the house?”

Kev chimed in. “He has to. It’s our superhero lair. I’m auditioning names right now, but so far I’m thinking Vagabond Base or Dusksword Retreat. Maybe Trinity Burrow… hm.”

“Why trinity?” I asked, distracted by the tight curve of Carter’s ass in those sweats as he turned back to his chopping.

Kev looked up from his game. “Uh, because there are three of us here now?”

“Your grandfather is moving here permanently?” I asked.

Kev shook his head. “No, you, me, and Carter. Duh.” He went back to the game.

I met Carter’s eyes while the warmth of Kev’s acceptance washed over me. “And how do you feel about that?”

Carter’s ears turned pink. “Well… I mean… it’s a huge house. It wouldn’t make sense for you to pay rent somewhere when I have all this and it’s paid for…”

He busied himself with the food prep. I set my coffee cup down and moved behind him, careful to reach for the hand holding the knife before wrapping my other hand around his front.

I brushed my lips against the back of his neck. “Are you asking me to move in with you, Duchess?”

“Uh…” He sucked in a breath when my lips moved to the sensitive spot behind his ear and my hand moved lower on his abdomen. “I mean… uh… ahh…”

“When are the pancakes going to be ready?” Kev asked.

“Next Tuesday, damn it!” Carter barked, almost making me jump in surprise. I laughed and began to step back, but Carter grabbed my arm and held it tightly to his front. “Stay.”

I didn’t know whether he meant here against his body or here in the crazy Rogers family bat cave, but it didn’t matter. The answer was the same.




“Cheers.” Hux clinked the neck of his beer against mine and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. “Here’s to us landing another whale contract for Champion Security. I can’t believe HOG not only permanently hired us back for facilities security, they want us to collaborate with their motherfucking cybersecurity team. Do you know how big a coup this is, you guys? Do you?”