He’d mourn in private.

Bastien grabbed an ale from a passing servant and found a spot far enough away from the ballroom floor that he wouldn’t be solicited to dance, but close enough to see Thalia. She was still dancing with the prince, and she laughed frequently as he regaled her with gods knew what. It soured Bastien’s mood further, and he wondered if he’d be able to get away with murdering a prince.

“Mind if I join you?”

Bastien turned to find Queen Selena smiling at him. She was the most powerful woman in Vyronas, yet Bastien was always at ease in her presence. King Jaron’s presence, too, for that matter. Neither sovereign ever made Bastien feel anything less than a true friend to the family. They appreciated his overwatch and devotion to their daughter and had told him so on many occasions.

Bastien dipped in a slight bow, not required, but he did it anyway. “I would be honored, Your Highness.”

“Oh, come now, Bastien. You know when it’s just us, you can call me Selena. We’re not formal, you and I.”

“It’s a very formal occasion,” Bastien replied with a smile, his gaze drifting back to Thalia on the dance floor. “Everyone who’s anyone in Vyronas has turned out for this.”

The song’s last notes faded, and Sorin whispered something to Thalia. She nodded, and he swept her into another dance as soon as the music resumed. Fuck if she didn’t look too comfortable in his arms. And was it his imagination, or was Sorin spending far too much time glancing down at Thalia’s cleavage? If so, Bastien might have to kill him right on the dance floor.

So lost in his thoughts, he almost didn’t hear the queen address him.

“When are you going to make a move for Thalia?” she asked.

It was a good thing Bastien hadn’t been sipping his ale, or he would’ve spit it all over the queen he was so shocked by that one simple question.

His head whipped her way. “Excuse me?”

“Bastien,” Selena chided, patting his face like a mother would her own son. “Please don’t play me for a fool. I see how you look at my daughter, and I see how she looks at you. I hear how she talks about you. Constantly. In fact, I don’t think I can be around Thalia for ten minutes without her mentioning you, and when she does, her eyes sparkle.”

Bastien felt like a kid receiving a surprise gift. “Really?”

“Really,” she said with a resounding nod. “So why is Prince Baynor out there wooing my daughter? Or rather, why are you letting him take what should be yours?”

Bastien was flabbergasted to hear the queen speak so frankly about Thalia. “In all honesty, Selena, I’m not confident I’m good enough for the princess, being from the warrior caste. I wasn’t sure how you and King Jaron would feel about it.”

Selena’s laugh was musical. “My dear man, you have been around us enough to know Thalia is our pride and joy. We want her to be happy. If Thalia wants you—and I assure you she does—then we would love you just for making her happy.”

“But I’m not royal,” he pointed out.

“There’s no rule that says royals have to marry another royal bloodline. It’s tradition, but it’s not set in stone. Besides, your magic is strong, and you are very important to this kingdom. One day, you will be the leader of all those who protect us. I can’t imagine my daughter being in better hands.”

Bastien’s gaze went back to the dance floor. Sorin was speaking to her, an earnest expression on his face. He could be proposing to her right now.

“You’re a good man, Bastien.” He turned back to face the queen and she went up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Don’t you forget that.”

“What are you doing kissing my wife?” King Jaron chided playfully as he came up behind Selena and wrapped his arms around her.

“Oh hush, Jaron. I was just wishing Bastien good luck on a new endeavor he’s decided to undertake.”

“And what is that?” the king inquired.

Selena grinned at Bastien as she took her husband’s hand. “Come, darling, let’s dance. I’ll fill you in.”

Bastien didn’t move from his spot, even though Thalia’s mother, the queen, had just given him unfettered approval. Selena even said that Thalia had feelings for him the way he did for her.

Instead, Bastien watched the king and queen dance. Selena talked, clearly explaining the conversation she’d just had with the young warrior. King Jaron glanced over and offered a wink and a reassuring smile.

He had the king’s permission as well.

Bastien’s heart swelled, and everything felt very right in his world. He had Thalia’s parents’ approval, and now all he had to do was tell her how he felt.

Not waiting another minute, he set his tankard of ale on a table and walked across the ballroom floor, weaving in and out of the dancers.