“You’re looking well, Baynor.” I clasp my hands in front of me.

Without any regard for propriety, Baynor lets his gaze rove over me, lingering a little too long on the deep dip in my gown and my partially exposed breasts. “You’re looking more beautiful than ever.”

I want to preen. It’s nice to have someone say I’m pretty, especially since I’ve felt all but invisible to the one man I want.

But I don’t dwell on such insignificance. “You’ve been lucky so far, Baynor. Ferelith has left Croyden alone for many years.”

He nods gravely. “Croyden is too far from Kestevayne. Ferelith has been comfortable sitting inside her palace walls, and only advancing on those regions within arm’s length.”

I smile and tip my head. “My palace walls.”

Baynor looks confused. “Excuse me?”

“You said her palace walls. Don’t you mean my palace walls?” My smile stays in place, but my tone is glacial.

“Of course,” Baynor hastily gushes. “My apologies. I am in no way giving deference to Ferelith as the proper ruler of Kestevayne. The throne is rightfully yours, and I want to help you get it back.”

“I’m grateful for that—” I begin.

“Spit it out, Baynor. What is it you want in return?” Bastien interrupts.

Laina gasps, and Ranulf makes a choking sound. It’s not polite for a nonroyal to address one by his or her first name, much less make demands. Even as well respected as Bastien is, decorum still exists.

“Bastien,” I warn, but he keeps his eyes focused on the prince of Croyden.

“Actually,” Baynor says, “there is something I want. I would like your hand in marriage, Thalia, and I want to rule Kestevayne with you when we end this war with Ferelith.”

I blink in surprise. I had not expected him to be so forthright so soon. Marriage proposals are made all the time and throughout history to strengthen houses, but his bluntness shocks me.

Yet I’m also curious. “I’m flattered, Baynor, and beyond honored. Let’s assume I would entertain your proposal—when would this marriage take place?”

“I would like it to happen as soon as possible. You could then come with me to Croyden where you would be completely safe.”

“And in return for my agreement to marry you, Kestevayne would get what in return?”

Baynor looks directly at Bastien. “You would have full command of my army. It totals twenty thousand men.”

The entire army?

Now that is shocking. We could overrun Ferelith with sheer numbers if we had Sorin’s army. My mind races. Could I honestly marry Baynor when I don’t love him? Could I give up on Bastien in exchange for saving my people?

I make the mistake of looking up at Bastien, but he’s not looking at me. He’s glaring at Baynor like he wants to kill him.

I clear my throat to get everyone’s attention. “Twenty thousand men would be an immense resource. While I’m not in the market for marriage, I have to admit, your offer makes your proposal quite enticing.”

Bastien takes me by the arm, his grip tight with warning. “I need to speak with you in private.”

I start to object, but Bastien pulls me away. I have a choice—I can make a scene or go quietly.

“Is everything okay, Thalia?” Baynor asks.

“It’s fine,” I call over my shoulder as I follow Bastien to a door that leads to the Conclave’s private quarters. “We’ll just be a minute.”

Bastien’s strides are long and angry, and I struggle to keep up. He leads me down a hall and into the Conclave library where a few members of the Scrinia read books at tables.

“Out,” he barks as we enter. There’s a mad scramble as people exit and then Bastien slams the door shut.

Turning me around roughly, he grabs both of my shoulders and leans in close. “What the fuck are you playing at, Thalia?”

I bring my arms up in an effort to break Bastien’s hold. “Get your damn hands off me!”

Bastien grips me tighter and leans in so we’re almost nose to nose. His words are deliberately punctuated. “You. Will. Not. Marry. Sorin.”

“I can marry whomever I damn well want to,” I retort. “And Baynor’s offer is one that could save us all.”

Bastien’s eyes glow with his rage. Trick of the light, I’m sure.

“You are the most frustratingly annoying woman I have ever met,” he grits out. By the tone of his voice, it feels as if he wants to strangle me.

Instead, he moves both hands to my face and crushes his mouth to mine.

My head spins from the power behind his punishing kiss, but I meet it eagerly. It’s what I’ve been waiting for, and hope flares bright within.

At last… he’s admitting to having feelings for me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and open my mouth to give him full access.

Bastien claims me hungrily, branding me. He walks me backward and with just a few steps, he has me flat against a wall. Without breaking the kiss, I’m lifted in the air with his hands under my ass, and I wrap my legs around his waist.