
Archer collects me just as the sun starts to rise, and we hastily saddle our horses. King prances with excitement, happy to have me on his back again. Bastien is at the stables, talking quietly with the four guards who will accompany us. I don’t begrudge him needing that assurance, although I had more than wished he’d just come himself. If anyone looks like they need a day off, it’s him.

“So, where are we headed?” I ask Archer as we plod along a well-worn path.

“One of the soldiers told me about this great stream three miles east of here. It sits near the edge of the cloak but still within the protection. In fact, the stream runs under the cloak, so unfortunately, some of the fish will be protected from us.” Archer laughs at his own joke.

I chuckle along. Fishing is a favorite pastime of mine, particularly fly-fishing. It’s how Bastien and I first became friends, and we went together a lot over the years. I fished every free chance I had when I was in Wyoming, although admittedly, running the ranch left very little time to myself. I’m excited about taking a few hours to relax and put my worries on hold.

Archer and I reminisce about our childhoods, some of his adventures in other dimensions with his mother, and even since the war started with Ferelith.

“Please tell me you have some sort of evolving plan that is going to end this thing,” Archer says. “Everyone is pinning so much hope on the fact that your return will change the tide.”

Sighing, I wish I could tell him that was true, but I just don’t know. Also, while I love Archer as one loves their own flesh and blood, I have no intention of talking to him about the private discussions of Conclave Hall. It’s nothing personal, but our plans are locked down tight, and no one outside of me, Bastien, and the Conclave know the goals we’re working toward.

Not even Kieran, really. He’s acting as a traveling ambassador to deliver messages to royal families and Conclaves. He was successful in getting the Conclaves to agree to meet in Clairmont, which will happen two days from now.

He was only partly successful with the heads of the royal houses. They all reaffirmed their pledge to me and have agreed to meet, but Prince Baynor of the House of Sorin insisted the meeting be held in his city of Croyden. He gave some excuse he was not able to leave his people unattended, which could be true of everyone, but really… it was to show his power. Baynor has the largest army, next to Kestevayne, and he is essential if we are to take back my throne.

So, Bastien and I are going to Croyden, also in two days’ time.

I’d love to share all this with Archer so he could share in the hope of our progress, but I can’t, so I stay vague. “We have some good ideas brewing, but nothing we can put into action until we figure out how to combat Ferelith’s blood magic. It’s nothing we’ve ever dealt with before.”

“She seems unstoppable,” he murmurs. “It makes me wonder if this is just the way it’s supposed to be.”

I shake my head, glancing at him fiercely. “No. I promise I will bring her down. We will all bring her down.”

Archer smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes which are too weighed down with worry. Still, he tries to stay positive. “I have faith in you.”

I’m not sure those aren’t just polite words he feels he must say. So far, we seem to be spinning our wheels at Conclave Hall, and maybe he senses that.

We enter a densely wooded area, but there’s still a defined path through the forest. We make our way through sprawling oaks whose acorns crunch underneath the horses’ hooves and blooming pressian trees of purple leaves and pale-pink flowers.

It’s a beautiful day. The sun permeates through the leaves, throwing sparkling color everywhere, so much so, I feel a little dizzy from the kaleidoscope waving before me. My mind drifts with the joy of being outdoors in my beloved Vyronas, and it’s the first time I’ve felt settled since my return.

Soon enough, we’re through the thickly wooded area and back into full sunshine.

“Please tell me you brought food,” I say, glancing over my shoulder to see the guards emerging from the trees behind us.

“I did indeed,” Archer says, clapping a hand on the saddlebag. “Bread, apple butter, and dried meats.”

My stomach rumbles. “Delic—”

A battle cry sounds from behind me, and I whirl King around. As my guards emerge from the forest, I’m horrified to see men dropping from the branches on ropes. They’re dressed in black and there’re four of them to every one of my guards, who are caught unaware but quickly draw their swords.