Regardless, he wants what’s best for our country, and so do I. Thus, I’ll return with him and Kieran through the veil.



I stride out of my house, locking the door behind me. My possessions include the clothes on my back—jeans, an olive-green work shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and my cowboy boots—and a pack filled with other clothing essentials more practical than my usual royal attire. I’m heading back to war, and I have no intention of sitting in my princess tower to watch things unfurl.

By the gods, I’ve lived the last seven years running a horse ranch on my own. I’m capable of far more than just wearing a crown.

I’m going to be in the thick of it.

With my hair in a low ponytail under my favorite Stetson, I head toward the barn. Immediately, Bastien appears out of the shadows to walk by my side. He’s vigilant for potential danger as noted by his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, but I’m going to assume no further attacks will come tonight. Only when Ferelith’s erchras fail to return with the prize—which is probably my head—will she know she’s failed.

Speaking of which, “Why did Ferelith send erchras to bring me back?”

The erchras are Underworld demons that can be conjured with dark magic, something I’d learned about in my studies growing up. But they’re not the smartest beings and are easily duped.

“I’m guessing she didn’t care if they brought you back,” Bastien replies curtly as we reach the barn. “I suspect they had orders to make a meal of you.”

I shudder at the thought. Had Bastien and Kieran not shown up, I would be dead. No matter how good I am with a gun or how smart I am, there were three of them. I wouldn’t have survived.

Kieran leans against a stall door watching us approach. “I didn’t know which horse you rode so I wasn’t sure who to saddle for you. We can tether the others to follow us through the veil when we go back.”

“No need,” I reply, dropping my backpack at King’s stall. “I’m only bringing my horse. I’ve arranged care for the others.”

In that fifteen-minute window Bastien gave me to make up my mind and pack, I used a precious five minutes to call my ranch manager and explain I had to go on an unexpected trip. He’s more than equipped to run things in my absence, has full access to the business books so he can make deposits and pay bills, and I know he’ll care for everything with as much dedication as I do.

“I assumed you’d want your horses,” Bastien muses as he watches me saddle King.

“I do want them,” I reply, tightening the cinch. “I’m coming back once this is all over. My ranch manager will handle things in my absence.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Bastien scoffs. “You’ll be crowned queen of Vyronas once we defeat Ferelith.”

“I’ll abdicate.” I bridle King, slipping the bit in his mouth and pulling the crown over his ears. “Archer would take on the responsibility with pride.”

Archer, my one and only cousin whose blood flows thick with Clairmont magic, would be the next logical successor.

“But why?” Kieran asks, frowning at me.

I spare him a glance as I grab my backpack, shrugging it onto my shoulders. I marvel at how much the brothers look alike. Kieran is two years younger than Bastien, but they could be twins if you looked past the differences in hair color and length. Despite being so similar in features, you can tell them apart by their bearing. Kieran, the youngest son of House Dunne, carries himself with an easy grace and usually has a light smile on his face. Bastien often moves as if he has the weight of the world upon his massive shoulders. He’s slated to take over as commandant of the army when his father retires, and he has big shoes to fill.

I refuse to answer Kieran’s question. My plans are none of their business. They don’t need to know that my feelings have been deeply hurt, not just by Bastien sending me through the veil and stripping me of my memories, but by the Conclave conspiring against my wishes. They are the people I trusted most with my well-being, and they didn’t respect me enough to let me stay. My parents are dead, I have no siblings, and my relationship with Bastien is ruined.

I have no reason to stay in Vyronas, and my life here in the solitude of Wyoming is far preferable now.

“I’m ready,” I say as I take King’s bridle in one hand so we don’t get separated as we make the journey through the veil and back to Vyronas.

Sparing a glance at Bastien, I can see he’s not happy with my attitude and is probably dismissing my promise to abdicate.