I’m jolted out of my memories, my eyes springing open. There’s no embarrassment in the wetness staining my cheeks as it’s born not of a broken heart but a vengeful one. My breath is ragged.

Without even thinking, I launch off the couch and round the coffee table. I cock my right arm back and slap Bastien as hard as I can across his left cheek. It makes a resounding and satisfying crack, rocking his head to the side.

“You son of a bitch,” I snarl through gritted teeth, attempting to slap him again, but his arms band tightly around me.

I struggle mightily, but he’s too big and strong. I attempt some kicks, a knee to his nuts, but he turns his body away and holds tight until I wear myself out.

“Let me go,” I seethe, writhing left and right.

“Calm yourself, and I will,” he mutters.

Hatred burns in my gut, but my energy wanes. “Let me go,” I repeat, this time keeping my voice level.

Bastien regards me dubiously, but his arms fall away.

Kieran steps toward me, his features awash with sympathy. “Thalia… I know this has been a shock, but—”

“I want you and your brother out of my house right now,” I snarl at him. “Don’t ever return here again.”

Shoving past Bastien, I run to my bedroom. After I slam the door, I throw myself on my bed, face into my pillow.

Fuck… my chest hurts. It feels like my heart has been ripped in two. For me, the pain of betrayal is fresh, since I’m experiencing it as if it just happened instead of seven years past.

What’s worse, I would have expected remorse from Bastien. If he loved me the way I thought he did, regardless if he was sending me away for my own safety, I would’ve expected him to feel horrible about it. At the very least apologize and try to explain his actions.

Instead, he’s totally indifferent. Not just now, but I remember the expression on his face right before I was pulled through the veil.

He didn’t care.

He had just kissed me, told me his actions were done in love, and then showed an utter lack of emotion. It’s so confusing.

The only thing I know for sure is that I can’t trust him in any way. He either betrayed me and doesn’t care, or he’s not loyal to me at all. There’s no way I can safely agree to go with him—he could be taking me straight to Ferelith.

I pop up, cursing myself for my thoughtlessness. Living in the isolation and wilds of Wyoming, I’ve been taught by my dad to always have my gun during perilous times.

Wait… no… that’s a false memory. I had no father here in Wyoming. That wasn’t my reality, just magic keeping me oblivious to the truth.

Still, it was stupid of me to leave my gun in the living room.

I roll off the bed, tiptoe to my door, and put my ear against it. My bedroom sits right off the living area, and I can hear Bastien’s and Kieran’s voices.

“That went well, don’t you think?” It’s more of a statement than a question. “Here… drink this.”

I imagine Kieran is pushing the drink from earlier into Bastien’s hand.

“In what way did that possibly go well?” Bastien growls.

“It seems she had the option of shooting you with that gun of hers. So, I’d say things went pretty well compared to what could have happened.”

I should have shot him. That would’ve been more satisfying than the slap across the face.

“Are you okay, Bastien?” Kieran’s voice holds uncharacteristic concern. As memories have filled me and I remember my life in its entirety, I know Kieran is forever joking and teasing, regardless how depressing a situation. If he’s concerned, then things must be very bad.

“I’m good,” Bastien says, his tone flat. That isn’t the man I know.

Or rather, knew.

There’s something very wrong about him, and I have to wonder what in the hell has happened these last several years to change him so much. “Get Thalia’s horses together with all the necessary tack. We’re leaving for Vyronas soon, and she’ll want to take the horses with her.”

Damn it. If I had my gun, I’d sneak out my window and guard the horses.

“I’ve got it covered,” Kieran says, and I hear him walk out the door.

Footsteps fall heavy across the pine flooring, and I realize they’re coming straight for my door. I turn the lock just before Bastien rattles the knob from the other side.

I scramble back, knowing it won’t keep him out. My legs no sooner hit the side of my bed than Bastien kicks open the door with a spray of broken wood. A fearful yelp squeaks from me, and I summon my long-buried magics. Prepared to knock him flat on his ass, I hold my arms out to the side, close my eyes, and murmur ancient incantations.